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Planning Commission Packets
Febuary 25, 1998
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Last modified
12/7/2016 2:11:20 PM
Creation date
12/7/2016 1:53:50 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Permit for Construction of New Multi-Purpose Building, Additions to Existing Administrative Offices and Classroom Buildings, and Parking; and Proposed Negative Declaration; Lands of Congregation Beth AM; 26790 Arastradero Road; File #189-97-ZP-SD-CUP-ND
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Planning Commission: February 25, 1998 <br /> Congregation Beth Am: Conditional Use Permit <br /> Page 4 <br /> ATTACHMENT 1 <br /> EXHIBIT "A" <br /> CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br /> CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION <br /> LANDS OF CONGREGATION BETH AM <br /> 26790 ARASTRADERO ROAD <br /> #189-97-ZP-SD-CUP-GD-ND <br /> 1. This conditional use permit allows the use of the subject property as a religious <br /> institution and for related religious educational activities and social functions, <br /> subject to the following conditions and according to plans approved by the City <br /> Council on , 1998. Any further expansion or change of the use <br /> shall require an amendment to the conditional use permit. Additionally, the <br /> Planning Director may, at any time, schedule a review or revocation hearing <br /> before the Planning Commission regarding the use permit, if any condition of <br /> approval is not being met or if the facility is being used inconsistent with the <br /> approved use or in violation of Town development codes. <br /> 2. Not later than one year after final inspection of the multi-purpose building, the <br /> applicant shall request and the Planning Commission shall then review the use <br /> permit at a noticed public hearing, to determine that the use remains in <br /> compliance with the conditions of approval. Subsequent to the initial review, <br /> subsequent reviews shall occur every five (5) years thereafter. <br /> 3. If permittee abandons the use of said real property-allowed by this permit for a <br /> period of one year, then the abandonment shall constitute a revocation of the use <br /> herein granted, and this Use Permit shall become null and void. <br /> 4. Uses permitted on the site are limited to the following: religious services; <br /> religious education (adult and children); life cycle events, including cuch as <br /> weddings and bar and bat mitzvahs, etc.; congregational meetings; social <br /> gatherings of members of the Congregation and their guests; auxiliary <br /> administrative activities, such as administrative office use, classroom supervision, <br /> board meetings, etc; meetings of non-profit community groups; and necessary <br /> site and building maintenance. Food and alcohol service and music and <br /> entertainment are permitted only incidental to the above activities. <br /> 5. No commercial activities or retail sales are permitted on the site, other than those <br /> incidental to religious and educational activities, such as a religious arts and crafts <br /> fair, sale of Jewish holiday foods and items, bake sales, and the sale of wedding <br /> and bar/bat mitzvah invitations, for the purpose of raising funds for the <br /> Congregation. <br /> 6. Social events involving music and/or entertainment and/or catering shall end not <br /> later than 10:00 p.m. daily Sunday through Thursday, and not later than 11:30 <br /> p.m. on Friday and Saturday, of and not later than 11:00 p.m. on Sundays <br /> before a Monday Federal holiday. Clean-up must be completed such that the <br /> premises are vacated not more than 30 minutes later. Alcoholic beverages may <br /> not be served later than one hour prior to allowable closing event ending times. <br /> 7. Social events involving music and/or entertainment and/or catering (not including <br /> religious services with food service before or thereafter) which proceed past 6:00 <br />
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