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Planning Commission: February 25, 1998 <br /> Congregation Beth Am: Conditional Use Permit <br /> Page 5 <br /> p.m. and involve fifty (50) or more persons shall occur not more frequently than <br /> twico three times per week and not more than one such social event of that size <br /> shall fiet occur simultaneously on the site. <br /> 8.. The west-facing doors of the social hall and kitchen shall remain closed during <br /> music and/or catering activities, except for loading and unloading. In addition, a <br /> phone number shall be provided to immediate neighbors to contact the event <br /> supervisor during a social event, in order to respond promptly to concerns <br /> regarding excess noise. <br /> 9. No outdoor sound amplification of music for social events shall be allowed on <br /> the site, = -== - - *::o - -- •-- - - - --- -•- . Noise levels shall be limited <br /> to comply with the provisions of Section 5-2.02 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal <br /> Code. <br /> 10. Lighting shall be on separate circuits and on timers, such that only security <br /> lighting remains on during night hours, unless an event is in progress. In any <br /> event, all parking lot lighting shall be turned off by not later than 11:00 p.m., or <br /> not later than 30 minutes past the clese end of an event (where permitted later <br /> than 11:00 p.m.), except in close proximity to buildings or where necessary for <br /> visibility along the driveway. <br /> 11. Site activities for which total site attendance is expected to exceed 750 persons <br /> shall not occur more frequently than twice per calendar year, unless approved by <br /> the City Council after public notice to neighbors. For any site activity for which <br /> attendance is expected to exceed 750 persons, the Congregation shall mail notice <br /> to all owners of adjacent property at least fourteen days in advance of such event. <br /> A parking plan shall be submitted to the Town at least 15 working days in <br /> advance of the event, outlining means to accommodate overflow parking <br /> (such as parking at nearby office lots,valet parking, or shuttles from off-site, <br /> etc.), to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. On-site traffic and parking <br /> control shall be provided, at the Congregation's expense, for the duration of any <br /> such event,to minimize impacts on Arastradero Road and neighboring properties. <br /> 12. Congregation Beth Am shall make all reasonable efforts to minimize impacts to <br /> neighboring residents regarding the hours of trash collection, leaf blowers and <br /> other gardening maintenance, ai4 catering and clean-up activities, and honking <br /> of horns from vehicles at drop-off and pick-up points. <br /> 13. Onsite and off-site storm drainage facilities shall be inspected and maintained <br /> annually by qualified engineering consultants to Congregation Beth Am, and a <br /> report shall be submitted to the Town not later than October 1st of each year <br /> describing the findings of the inspection and any remedial measures proposed to <br /> assure proper functioning of the drainage system. The report shall include any <br /> necessary erosion control measures for the open drainage swale as well as annual <br /> cleaning of the system and repairs. All proposed erosion control measures shall <br /> be approved by the City Engineer prior to installation. For the purposes of this <br /> provision, off-site drainage facilities include the open drainage channel <br /> downstream of the project site to Fremont Road. <br /> 144 A sign shall be installed and maintained at the exit of the site prohibiting left turns <br /> from the site onto Arastradero Road during the hours of 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on <br /> Monday through Friday. <br />