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Planning Commission: February 25, 1998 <br /> Congregation Beth Am: Conditional Use Permit <br /> Page 8 <br /> perimeter of the property adjacent to existing residential properties shall be <br /> modified to either reduce wattage, reduce the height of light poles, or reduce the <br /> number of lights to minimize impacts on those neighbors. All approved lighting <br /> must be installed to the satisfaction of the Planning Director prior to final <br /> inspection of the multi-purpose building. <br /> 7. At the time of foundation inspection for the multi-purpose building and prior to <br /> final inspection, the location and elevation shall be certified in writing by a <br /> registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor as being in/at the approved <br /> location and elevation shown on the approved Site Development plan. At the <br /> time of framing inspection for the multi-purpose building, the height of the <br /> building shall be similarly certified as being at the height shown on the approved <br /> Site Development plan. Prior to paving of the parking lot areas, the location and <br /> elevation shall also be certified as being in/at the approved location and elevation <br /> shown on the approved Site Development plan. <br /> 8. A 6-foot high solid wooden fence shall be constructed along the west property <br /> boundary from the rear property line to approximately 50-75 feet from the front <br /> property line at Arastradero Road,with an open wood and wire mesh fence or a <br /> similar open fence from that point to the front property line, to the <br /> satisfaction of the Planning Director. Gates from Thendara Lane to the site <br /> may also be permitted. The fence alignment shall deviate from the property line <br /> to the extent needed to maintain a consistent contour elevation at approximately <br /> the height of the parking area, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. <br /> Construction details should include overlapping boards for sound protection, and <br /> baseboards or other separation from the ground to assure durability of the fence. <br /> A fence permit showing the precise alignment and-construction details must be <br /> obtained prior to installation, and the fence must be constructed to the satisfaction <br /> of the Planning Director prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check for <br /> the multi-purpose building. <br /> 9. The sound wall outside the kitchen area of the social hall must be constructed <br /> according to the details shown on the plan, and a building permit must first be <br /> obtained prior to installation. The sound wall shall be constructed to the <br /> satisfaction of the Planning Director prior to acceptance of plans for building <br /> plan check for the multi-purpose building. <br /> 10. The multi-purpose building shall be soundproofed to minimize noise levels at the <br /> perimeter of the site,prior to final inspection of the multi-purpose building. <br /> B. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: <br /> 11. A Class IIb pathway shall be constructed within the right-of-way of Arastradero <br /> Road, to the satisfaction of the Engineering Department,prior to final inspection <br /> of the multi-purpose building. If necessary to accommodate the pathway, a <br /> pathway easement shall be dedicated parallel to the right-of-way sufficient to <br /> provide for the pathway. The property owner shall provide legal description and <br /> plat exhibits that are prepared by a registered civil engineer or a licensed surveyor, <br /> to the satisfaction of the Engineering Department, and the Town shall prepare the <br /> dedication document. The dedication document, including the approved exhibits, <br /> 41 shall be signed by the property owner and notarized and returned to the Town <br /> prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check for the multi-purpose <br /> building. <br />