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• Planning Commission <br /> Lands of Gorman&Cheng(lot 22) <br /> March 11, 1998 <br /> Page 4 <br /> response letter is Attachment 7. A model of the house is available for viewing in the <br /> �—Planning Department. The model will also be at the meeting. <br /> Neighbors across the street on Stonebrook Drive are concerned about their view (see <br /> Attachment 8) and suggest moving the house down the slope to the west. This would <br /> require considerable design changes since the slope drops off behind the proposed house <br /> site. If the house is stepped down or shifted down the hill, the garage would need to stay <br /> in its present location so that the driveway grade does not exceed 15%. The height and <br /> profile could otherwise be reduced by dropping the building pad, lowering the plate <br /> heights or stepping the house more. <br /> Staff was also contacted by a neighbor across the street on Oak Knoll Circle who is <br /> concerned about the high profile of the house above the roadway. It was this neighbor's <br /> understanding that the house would not extend more than 10 feet above the roadway. <br /> However, this condition was placed only on lots 19 and 20 at the time of the subdivision. <br /> Lighting - <br /> Locations of exterior lighting are shown on the floor plans. Down lights are proposed at <br /> the garage and front entry as well as in the trellis at the rear of the house. Recessed wall <br /> lights would be used on the retaining walls for low level lighting. Path lights are <br /> proposed along the front walkway and driveway. Staff recommends approval of the <br /> outdoor lighting as proposed by the applicant. Lighting specifications will be required to <br /> be submitted prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check (condition#10). <br /> Trees &Landscaping <br /> There are several large pine trees at the corner of the site that will provide some initial <br /> screening of the new residence from lot 1. However, there are open views into the site <br /> from the east and west. New landscaping will be needed around the house, particularly at <br /> the front and rear. The slope below the house may need planting for erosion control. The <br /> landscape plan will be reviewed at a site development hearing once the house is framed. <br /> The mitigation landscaping will be required to be planted prior to final inspection. <br /> Driveway& Parking <br /> The three garage spaces and one uncovered space adjacent to the garage provide a total of <br /> four on-site parking spaces as required by the code. The garage entry is oriented away <br /> from the roadways as recommended by the Design Guidelines. The driveway will be 14 <br /> feet wide as requested by the Fire Department. Most of the backup area has been kept out <br /> of the setbacks. <br /> Grading &Drainage <br /> The Engineering Department has reviewed the plans and has recommended conditions of <br /> approval as specified in Attachment 1. Grading volumes include 950 cubic yards of cut <br /> and 700 cubic yards of fill. The surplus material (250 cubic yards) will be hauled off the <br /> site. Aside from the construction of the driveway, the grading is being done to set the <br /> house into the site. There are several areas where the plans slightly exceed the Town's <br /> grading policy, with finished floors and part of a patio up to four feet above the natural <br /> grade. The Town's policy recommends the finished grade or fmished floor elevation be a <br /> maximum of three feet above the natural grade. These are relatively minor exceptions to <br /> the grading policy. <br />