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_ Town Of Los Altos Hills March 11, 1998 <br /> Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> RE: WORK PROGRAM RE: POLICIES AND ORDINANCES <br /> FROM: Curtis S. Williams, Planning Director <br /> RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission: <br /> Review the attached list of issues and establish priorities and a schedule for making <br /> recommendations to the City Council. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> The Planning Commission and City Council conducted joint study sessions on October <br /> 29, 1997 and February 10, 1998 to discuss a number of issues of concern related to <br /> planning review. Attached are staffs summaries of those items, including City Council <br /> direction on how to proceed on each. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> A total of ten planning issues were discussed at the two joint study sessions ("three story <br /> facade/single story"was discussed at both sessions), as outlined in the summaries. Some <br /> of the concerns discussed (scope of Commission review, staff review process, and <br /> sensitivity to applicants) do not require any follow-up actions, other than for staff to <br /> report to the City Council regarding distribution of staff reports to applicants. <br /> The City Council directed that staff report directly to the Council on a couple of other <br /> items regarding fire turnarounds and Building Code requirements for basements, <br /> such that further Commission review is not required. It is staff's understanding that the <br /> remaining issues regarding: 1) secondary dwellings, 2) chimney heights, 3) height <br /> limitations for "single story" buildings, 4) development area restrictions for <br /> "challenged lots", and 5) options for garages or carports, are to be presented for <br /> review and recommendation by the Commission,prior to Council action. <br /> Staff expects to return to the City Council regarding fire turnarounds and basements <br /> within the next two months, and will report to the Commission in advance regarding <br /> those issues, for your information. The Council has suggested that the other items be <br /> grouped together so that separate hearing dates are not required for each. Staff suggests <br /> that secondary dwellings be considered along with garages/carports, and that chimney <br /> heights be considered along with single story height, and that development area for <br /> "challenged lots" perhaps be treated as a separate item. It would be desirable to attempt <br /> to address one grouping per month, but that is dependent on the project workload and on <br /> the number of meetings it takes to review each item. <br /> Staff is looking for direction regarding the scheduling of these items, and any suggestions <br /> you have about information you might anticipate needing to evaluate these issues. <br /> ATTACHMENTS <br /> 1. Staff Summary of October 29, 1997 Study Session <br /> 2. Staff Summary of February 10, 1998 Study Session <br />