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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> March 11, 1998 <br /> Page 4 <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Commissioner Jinkerson felt if this is not a ridgeline, at least, it is a very visible property. <br /> A two story structure is not appropriate. He discussed the use of the proposed new <br /> material, Rastra, for the walls of the house indicating the floor area should be measured <br /> from the exterior and not from the centerline as requested by the applicants. They should <br /> be consistent as to how they measure floor area. He further discussed the 2:12 slope on <br /> the roof which would appear almost flat to uphill neighbors. He felt a break up of <br /> material is needed as stated in condition#1. <br /> Commissioner Aurelio felt the house will be prominent from Stonebrook. He shared the <br /> concerns regarding the ridgeline and the need for a one story structure stepping down the <br /> slope. This is a highly visible ridgeline and he was opposed to the two story element on <br /> this lot. It is their responsibility to follow Town guidelines. <br /> Commissioner Cheng was concerned with the roof reflectivity, the height of the house, <br /> and a 100% obstruction of a neighbor's view. There is a need to work with the <br /> neighbors. <br /> Commissioner Schreiner quoted from the "Site Development Policy Statement" and the <br /> "Guidelines for Residential Design" as it relates to this project. She further discussed the <br /> massive, bulky second story element, the new material to be used for the walls, and <br /> counting the floor area from the exterior walls. She would like to see a re-design to a <br /> single story, stepping down the land. Ridgelines, hilltops and highly visible lots should <br /> be preserved. She felt the house would better fit the site if turned around. This is no <br /> more than they have asked of other applicants. <br /> Chairman Gottlieb commented on the unique design but she did not feel it fit the land. <br /> The structure should be a single story structure cascading down the hill with the garage <br /> facing toward Oak Knoll Circle with a height restriction of 22 feet to avoid a 27 foot <br /> single story structure. <br /> RE-OPENED PUBLIC HEARING_ <br /> Mr. Gorman stated he was not interested in a redesign to a single story home. Mr. <br /> Sheahan, architect, discussed the guidelines, review of the site, the applicant's desires, the <br /> time and money already expended, and noted any structure on the site will have an impact <br /> on the Hill property. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br />