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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> April 8, 1998 <br /> Page 5 <br /> Michael Layne, architect, voiced agreement with the recommended conditions of approval. He <br /> provided a sketch showing how the front two-story element would be modified to comply with <br /> condition #1. Chairman Gottlieb suggested lowering the front two-story vertical element to <br /> below the roof ridge. Mr. Layne believed this could be done. Commissioner Schreiner asked <br /> about the windows on the upper level element on the left side (southeast) elevation. Mr. Layne <br /> responded that was over a study to allow light in without conflicting with a computer screen. He <br /> will eliminate this from the plan. Commissioner Schreiner suggested lowering the overall height <br /> to 25 feet. Mr. Layne felt this could be accomplished, most likely through a change of roof pitch. <br /> Tina Darmohay, 12171 Hilltop Drive, was happy with the exterior materials and architectural <br /> detailing. She was concerned with the size increase of this house versus the existing house as it <br /> relates to drainage. She asked about the fencing around the sport court and the visual impact. <br /> The assistant engineer discussed the proposed drainage system(primarily sheet flow). <br /> Mark Brown, 12600 Miraloma Way, new owner of the lower lot voiced concerns regarding <br /> drainage and the visual impact with the proposed-tree removal which will open the site. He <br /> quoted the Design Guidelines requesting the natural vegetation be maintained. If the dual trunk <br /> tree is preserved, it will make the house appear smaller. <br /> Sandy Humphries, Environmental Design and Protection Committee, noted several oak trees on <br /> the site which are not on the plans. She would like to see the redwoods between the driveway <br /> and property line saved, as well as the 36" pine tree near the front walkway. Ms Stevenson <br /> referred to the arborist report. <br /> Betsy Bertram shared fire department recommendations for fire safety (removal of brush and <br /> trees close to the structure). <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the following: applicant's willingness to reduce the highest ridge by <br /> 2 feet; request to reduce the bulk rather than aggravated by the roof pitch change; eliminate <br /> windows over the study; reduce paving in the setback, if possible; work on circular driveway to <br /> save some trees (with fire department review); and concern with the basement due to the <br /> retaining walls. Mr. Layne suggested ideas for reducing the impact of the walls with materials, <br /> landscaping, terrace walls, and the use of materials that would allow planting within the wall. <br /> The assistant engineer fielded questions regarding drainage noting this project is not responsible <br /> for improving drainage along the entire road. The drainage design will not result in flooding of <br /> other properties. <br /> Commissioner Jinkerson was concerned with the rural nature of the area. He felt the tennis court <br /> would be a freeway for water directing it toward the neighbor's property. What can they do to <br /> allow a land owner to develop and not impact neighbors (drainage impact). Commissioner <br />