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Planning Commission <br /> April 22, 1998 <br /> Lands of Harari <br /> Page 3 <br /> Several areas of the plans were changed to mitigate the Planning Commission's concerns as <br /> outlined in the letter from the architect in addition to those listed above. The roof over the den at <br /> the left end of the front elevation (the tower) has been reduced by 1'/2 feet. In addition, the <br /> highest section of second story roofline has been reduced to match the other roof heights by <br /> reducing the size of the second story area. The total square footage of the residence has been <br /> decreased by 272 square feet. These changes will help to further minimize the bulk of the second <br /> story area of the residence. <br /> Staff recommends, however, that the 91/2 foot high retaining wall at the south of the lower level <br /> patio be constructed with a stone veneer and a planter to mitigate visibility of the wall from off <br /> site. In addition, the sport court should be required to be constructed with a semi-permeable <br /> material to mitigate the neighbor's concerns regarding drainage. The 10 inch oak which was not <br /> shown on the site plan should be saved if at all possible, in addition to planting the 3-36 inch box <br /> native oaks shown on the landscape plan. <br /> Staff is available to answer any questions that the Commission or the public may have. <br /> ATTACHMENTS <br /> 1. Recommended conditions of approval <br /> 2. Planning Commission Minutes of April 8, 1998 (four pages) <br /> 3. Letter from applicant's architect, Greg Benton, dated April 14, 1998 (four pages) <br /> 4. Revised Worksheet#2 <br /> 5. Revised development plans: landscape plan, building sections, roof plan and elevations (six <br /> sheets) <br /> cc: Steven and Cathy Harari Greg W. Benton <br /> 417 Monroe Drive 5546 Harvard Drive <br /> Palo Alto, CA 94306 San Jose, CA 95118 <br />