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Planning Commission <br /> Lands of Kwong <br /> May 13, 1998 <br /> Page 3 <br /> the site for the Commission's review. The project would bring the development area <br /> within 31 square feet of the allowable and the floor area has been maximized. Staff has <br /> included a condition requiring a disclosure statement to be recorded that states this. <br /> Lighting and Landscaping <br /> Outdoor lighting is shown on sheet A2 of the development plans. All of the existing light <br /> fixtures are proposed to be replaced with a new fixture to match the new style of the <br /> residence. The number of light fixtures proposed appears minimal, with one per exit <br /> except at the front entry. The low level path lights along the driveway and pool area are <br /> spaced approximately 20 feet apart. Landscape lighting is not typically reviewed with the <br /> initial submittal. Staff recommends that the path lights and any other outdoor lighting not <br /> attached to the house be considered with the landscape plan, so that the Environmental <br /> Design Committee can review the plan and provide input. <br /> As noted on the plans, the glass for the decorative light fixtures would be translucent so <br /> that the light bulbs cannot be seen. The flood lights at the garage will be required to be <br /> shielded fixtures, and to be on a motion detector so that they are not obtrusive to the <br /> adjacent neighbor. Condition #7 includes these provisions, and also specifies that any <br /> changes to the lighting plan be approved by the PlanningDepartment. <br /> Three new skylights are proposed to be added. Condition #8 requires the skylights to be <br /> designed to reduce emitted light and that no lights be placed in the light wells. <br /> There are a number of mature trees on the site including oak, pepper, redwood and elm <br /> and pine species. While some ornamental shrubs near the house will be removed, all of <br /> the large trees will be saved. The mature screening appears to be adequate to break up <br /> the visibility of the proposed additions from the neighbors. Condition#2 states that staff <br /> will evaluate the site once the additions have been framed to determine if any new <br /> landscaping is needed for screening and/or to replant areas that have been disturbed <br /> during construction. It is likely that some planting will be needed around the house. At a <br /> minimum, the outdoor lighting would need to be reviewed by staff and the EDP <br /> Committee. Any required planting for screening or erosion control will be required to be <br /> planted prior to final,inspection. <br /> Parking, Driveway, and Turnaround <br /> There are currently two parking spaces on the site withinthe garage. An existing storage <br /> area will be converted toprovide a third parking space. The fourth parking space is <br /> shown within the dripline of a 22-inch oak. Staff is concerned that adding more <br /> pavement within the dripline of the oak could be detrimental to the tree. Since an <br /> existing nonconforming situation is being improved, and a fourth space cannot be easily <br /> provided, staff recommends approval of the project without the fourth parking space. If • <br /> the Commission decides that the fourth space should be added, an arborist should <br />