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Planning Commission <br /> Lands of Ewald <br /> May 13, 1998 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Architecture & Site <br /> The applicants are requesting approval of a Site Development Permit for additions <br /> totaling 2,145 square feet and remodel of an existing one story residence. An 825 square <br /> foot attached three-car garage would also be added, and the existing two-car garage <br /> would be converted to living space. The low profile character has been retained, with the <br /> maximum height at 16'/2 feet. Story poles have been set on the site for the Commission's <br /> review. The architectural detailing, variation in wall and roof planes and the low height <br /> all help keep the house from appearing massive or bulky. Also, the setbacks on the left <br /> side (west), front and rear are all greater than the required minimums. The Design <br /> Guidelines state that greater setbacks can help reduce bulk and visual impacts. <br /> Proposed exterior materials for the new construction include a combination of stucco and <br /> wood siding, wood trim, brick veneer accent and Hardi-shake roofing. Four small <br /> skylights are proposed. Exterior colors have not yet been chosen. Colors will be <br /> reviewed by the Planning Department for compliance with the Town's adopted color <br /> board prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check. <br /> The Design Guidelines recommends reserving some floor and development area for <br /> future projects The proposed project is below the allowable floor area and there is <br /> considerable development area remaining for outdoor areas such as a pool, patios or <br /> decks. <br /> Nonconforming Floor Area <br /> The existing garage extends 10 feet into the east side yard setback. This is a legal <br /> nonconforming situation. The applicants are proposing to convert the garage area <br /> (approximately 400 square feet) to living space. The area within the setback would be a • <br /> game room. The east end of the house would not be removed during construction, and <br /> the existing height would be maintained. The provisions on the Zoning Ordinance <br /> relative to nonconforming floor area states that the use cannot be changed if more than <br /> 50% of the nonconforming floor area or exterior walls are rebuilt. Staffs interpretation is <br /> that since the garage is attached, it is part of the residence. Changing from a garage to a <br /> game room would not adversely impact any neighbors. The adjacent neighbor's house <br /> (west) is located closer to Manuella Road than to the applicant's property and there is <br /> heavy screening between the two homes. The garage portion of the house is not being <br /> removed and rebuilt, as other areas are; the interior is simply being remodeled. The <br /> height is not being changed and the walls within the setback are not being changed except <br /> to add one window. If the Commission determines that the garage space should not be <br /> changed to habitable floor area, a condition should be added to address this. The <br /> condition should either require the applicants to remove the portion of the house that is <br /> within the setback, or prohibit the 200 square feet within the setback from being changed <br /> from garage or storage space to habitable floor area. <br /> Landscaping & Lighting <br /> No trees are proposed for removal. Neighbors behind and to the sides have good <br /> screening from the project area. There is a view into the site from Altadena Drive where <br /> landscape screening would be needed. The Environmental Design & Protection <br /> Committee would like to review the landscape plan, and recommends the use of oaks and <br /> other native drought tolerant plants. Staff has included a condition requiring a landscape <br /> plan to be reviewed at a site development hearing once the additions have been framed. <br /> Any planting required for erosion control or mitigation screening will be required to be <br /> planted prior to final inspection. <br />