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ATTACHMENT 1 <br /> RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A <br /> MAJOR ADDITION & REMODEL <br /> LANDS OF EWALD - 26131 ALTADENA DRIVE <br /> A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT: <br /> 1. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans shall be approved by <br /> the Planning Director or the Planning Commission, depending on the <br /> scope of the changes. <br /> 2. Exterior lighting shall be limited to one fixture per exit, except for the <br /> garage and front entry. Any decorative fixtures shall be down shielded or <br /> shall have translucent glass if they can be seen from off the site, and any <br /> security lighting shall be on motion detectors and shall be shielded <br /> fixtures. Lighting locations and specifications (cut sheets) shall be <br /> submitted for Planning Department approval prior to acceptance of plans <br /> for building plan check. Any changes to the approved outdoor lighting <br /> plan requires approval by the Planning Department prior to installation. • <br /> Lighting shall be low level, low wattage, shall not encroach or reflect on <br /> adjacent properties, and the source of the lighting shall not be visible from <br /> off the site. No lighting may be placed within setbacks except for two <br /> driveway or entry lights unless it can be demonstrated that they are needed <br /> for safety. <br /> 3. Subsequent to final framing, a landscape screening and erosion control <br /> plan shall be reviewed at a Site Development hearing. Particular attention <br /> shall be given to plantings which will help• screen the site from <br /> neighboring properties and from the roadway. All landscaping required for <br /> screening purposes or for erosion control (as determined by the City <br /> Engineer and the Planning Director) must be installed prior to final <br /> inspection, unless the Planning Director finds that unusual circumstances, <br /> such as weather or site conditions, require that planting be delayed. In <br /> those instances, a deposit of an amount equal to the cost of landscape <br /> materials and installation, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director, shall <br /> be submitted to the Town. Landscaping shall in any event be installed not <br /> later than six months after final inspection, or the deposit will be forfeited. <br /> 4. A landscape maintenance deposit (or certificate of deposit), equal to the <br /> cost of materials and installation for all landscaping required for screening <br /> purposes or for erosion control (as determined by the City Engineer), but <br /> not to exceed $5,000.00, shall be posted prior to final inspection. An <br /> inspection of the landscape to ensure adequate establishment and <br /> maintenance shall be made two years after installation. The deposit will <br /> be released at that time if the plantings remain viable. <br /> 5. Any significant trees in the area of construction shall be fenced at the <br /> dripline, prior to commencement of any grading or construction. The <br /> fencing shall be of a material and structure to clearly delineate the dripline. <br /> Town staff must inspect and approve the fencing prior to issuance of any <br /> building permits. The fencing must remain throughout the course of <br /> construction. No storage of equipment, vehicles or debris shall be allowed <br /> within the dripline of these trees. <br />