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Planning Commission <br /> Lands of Bowers <br /> June 10, 1998 <br /> Page 2 <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> Site Data: <br /> Net Lot Area: 1.11 <br /> Average Slope: 13.7% <br /> Lot Unit Factor 1.02 <br /> Floor Area and Development Area: <br /> Area Max. Prop. Exist. Incrs. Remaining <br /> Devel. 13,885 9,627 0 9,627 4,258 <br /> Floor 5,931 5,907 0 5,907 24 <br /> Site and Architecture <br /> The applicant requests approval of a Site Development Permit for a new 4,796 square <br /> foot partial two story residence with a 673 square foot attached 3 car garage, and a 438 <br /> square foot detached garage. The exterior materials proposed for the residence are a <br /> combination of stucco siding with gray stone accents. The applicant proposes to utilize <br /> gray concrete tile roofing. <br /> The maximum height of the house on a vertical plane would be 27 feet through the center <br /> portion of the house (profile section Al). The height of the residence from the lowest to <br /> highest point would be 30 feet. The house steps a total of 8 feet from the west side of the <br /> house to the garage. The roofline steps with the contours in 3 portions of the roof, <br /> stepping 1 foot at each section(profile section Al). Story poles have been erected on the <br /> site outlining the proposed new residence and accessory building for the Commissioners' <br /> review. <br /> The second story comprises 42 percentof the lower floor area of the main residence <br /> (second story includes open areas over 17 feet in height). There are a number of <br /> architectural features, including varying rooflines, use of columns, bay windows, and the <br /> proposed exterior materials (stone veneer sections), which would help to reduce the <br /> appearance of bulk of the house and limit long horizontal elements. The second story area <br /> is mitigated along the exterior through the use of a second story balcony, steep rooflines <br /> that hide some of the floor area, and overhanging area over a veranda and the use of <br /> columns along the lower floor. <br /> The proposed structures would not be visible from Hidden Springs Court, as the site <br /> elevation is located lower than the cul-de-sac and the existing oaks provide very good <br /> screening along that property line. Some of this will likely be cleared to open some view <br /> towards the detached garage with the construction of the driveway. Mature vegetation on <br /> the property, especially on the northern property line (adjacent to Altamont Road) would <br /> help to screen the property from adjacent developed parcels, and would greatly limit <br /> views of the proposed residence from offsite. The residence would be somewhat visible <br /> from Bledsoe Court and the existing property to the east (off Altamont Road) through <br /> existing vegetation. <br /> The residence would be located with corners at these setback lines adjacent to those 2 <br /> lots, as the house is situated quite low on the hillside. Relocation higher on the hill is <br />