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Planning Commission <br /> Lands of Bowers <br /> June 10, 1998 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Fire Department Review <br /> The Fire Department's initial review of plans indicated the need for redesign of the <br /> turnaround to have a minimum radius of 36 feet. Consultation between the Fire <br /> Department and the applicant has resulted in the proposed turnaround. <br /> There is not adequate fire flow available to the lot for the size residence proposed. The <br /> Fire Department has indicated that installing fire sprinklers into the residence would <br /> provide adequate fire protection and this has been included as a condition of approval <br /> (#23). The remaining comments from the Fire Department include standard conditions for <br /> house numbers, access dimensions, surface requirements, and road grade. Staff has <br /> included these as conditions#21-25. <br /> Grading and Drainage <br /> The plans indicate that the grading for the site would include 2,500 cubic yards of cut <br /> (maximum depth of 8 feet, excluding the basement cut, which increases the depth of cut - <br /> to 18 to 19 feet at the uphill side of the basement) and 200 cubic yards of fill (maximum <br /> depth of 3 feet). The residence has been proposed to be located against the contours, due <br /> to the human habitation setback on the site. The residence as proposed would generally <br /> meet the Town's adopted grading policy, with the top of slab approximately 2.5 feet <br /> higher than the existing elevation at the garage, and the main residence approximately 8 <br /> feet lower than the natural grade at the parlor. The detached garage is proposed to be <br /> located approximately 3 feet above existing grade at the northeast corner of the structure. <br /> As noted, however, cuts of up to 18 to 19 feet are required for the basement. <br /> The construction of the residence requires the use of a retaining wall to be located to the <br /> west of the residence. The height of the wall would be 3 feet and grading around the wall <br /> would be required to provide drainage. While the wall would be only 3 feet high, cuts of <br /> up to 8 feet in depth would be required to locate the wall. The cuts would be sloped <br /> behind the wall towards the property lines. <br /> Drainage of the site is characterized by sheetflow from the west side of the house and <br /> several drains outletting in the creek around the east side of the house. An earthen swale <br /> is proposed at the rear of the main residence. Staff has included a condition (#20) <br /> requiring that the final drainage design be reviewed and that drainage be designed as <br /> sheet flow, as there is some concern regarding drainage from the neighbors to the east. <br /> • <br /> Committee Recommendations <br /> The Pathways Committee has recommended that the type II-B path along Altamont Road <br /> be restored and that the path along the eastern boundary be reconstructed (condition#14). <br /> The Environmental Design Committee had a concern about the heritage oak tree located <br /> within the conservation easement and commented on the importance of tree fencing <br /> during construction. The Committee also requested that a certified arborist prune the oak <br /> tree to maintain the health of the oak. Staff has included the standard condition of <br /> approval (#2) that the landscape screening and lighting will be reviewed after framing of <br /> the residence. <br /> Staff is available to answer any questions that the Commission or community may have. <br />