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Town of Los Altos Hills June 23, 1998 <br /> Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> RE: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A SECOND STORY ADDITION, NEW <br /> CARPORT & REMODEL OF AN EXISTING RESIDENCE; LANDS OF <br /> DANVER; 13474 ROBLEDA ROAD; File#34-98-ZP-SD. <br /> FROM: Suzanne Davis, Planner SQ <br /> - APPROVED BY: Curtis S. Williams, Planning Director <br /> RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission: <br /> Approve the requested Site Development Permit, subject to the recommended conditions <br /> of approval in Attachment 1. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> The subject property was created as part of a two lot subdivision (Tract 4506), that was <br /> recorded in 1968. The property is accessed from a private driveway off the east side of <br /> Robleda Road, south of Quail Lane. There is an existing 20 foot wide access easement <br /> along the east property line, part of which is proposed to be abandoned since it is not <br /> needed. There is a shared driveway serving the applicant's and two other properties. The <br /> access easement would be abandoned beyond the point where this driveway splits to the <br /> applicant's and the adjacent neighbor's properties. The abandonment of the easement <br /> allows the building setback to be measured from the;property line rather than the edge of <br /> the easement, and the land area to be included in the net lot area for purposes of <br /> calculating the maximum floor and development areas. Condition#18 requires the access <br /> easement to be abandoned prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check. The <br /> access easement is the only recorded easement on the property. The gross lot area of one <br /> acre is reduced to .922 acre due•to the exclusion of the access easement. Surrounding <br /> properties are all developed with single family homes and related uses. <br /> CODE REQUIREMENTS <br /> As required by Section 10-2.301 of the Site Development Ordinance, this application for <br /> a major addition has been forwarded to the Planning Commission for review and <br /> approval since a new second floor is proposed. Criteria for review from the Site <br /> Development Ordinance include grading, drainage, building siting, pathways, landscape <br /> screening and outdoor lighting. Zoning Code review encompasses compliance with floor <br /> and development area requirements, setbacks,heights and parking. <br />