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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> June 10, 1998 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Bob Rutner, 10632 Magdalena Avenue, Los Altos Hills, applicant, commented on the <br /> meeting with staff and the Via Ventana group. Design changes included the following: <br /> the number and shape of rear elevation windows; added trellises at two locations in the rear <br /> of the house; the planting of live oak clusters around the perimeter of the development; <br /> added a wing-wall near the garage to provide a curve and transition to the house; the <br /> selection of darker earth tone colors (gray, brown or beige tones for the paint color, stone <br /> and roofing, with a light reflectivity value of 40 or less); an open trellis on the cabana <br /> rather than a roof; and the revised plans showing the fifth parking space along the <br /> driveway. <br /> Pong Ng, 1513 Fairway Drive, Los Altos,project architect, was available for questions. <br /> Dr. Merideth Warshaw, 27977 Via Ventana Way, liked the trellis idea. She would like to <br /> review the color choices and be involved with the landscaping plan. The Planning Director <br /> noted condition#2 indicates a more restrictive light reflectivity value than usual. <br /> Gerald Thomas, 27933 Via Ventana Way, appreciated the efforts of the applicants and <br /> staff. However, he was still concerned that a formal approval was not received by the <br /> Matadero Creek Architectural Review Board. As neighbors, they have always relied on <br /> the Board's opinion. <br /> The Planning Director clarified that plans were delivered to three of the Board members <br /> and they were aware of the meeting date. He was under the opinion that the Board was in <br /> support of the revisions made to the plans. Staff has always tried to route plans to the <br /> Board, although the town is not required to obtain their opinion. <br /> Pong Ng, project architect, provided some history of the process with the review board. <br /> They had previously met with the Board noting that the only thing they were not <br /> comfortable with were the numbers. So the project went before the City Council for a <br /> decision. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Commissioner Jinkerson stated that at the May 276h meeting there was a consensus for <br /> continuance so the applicant could meet with the neighbors as previously discussed and <br /> seek comments from the Board. All items have been addressed. They should not hold up <br /> this project for formal comments from the Board. Commissioner Schreiner agreed. She <br /> thanked the applicants for their patience. Chairman Gottlieb was pleased with the <br /> accomplishments made between the applicants and neighbors. She would like to make <br /> sure the Via Ventana Way neighbors receive a notice regarding the Site Development <br /> hearing for the landscaping plan. <br />