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v i <br /> Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> June 10, 1998 <br /> Page 3 <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED: Motion by Commissioner Jinkerson and <br /> seconded by Commissioner Schreiner to approve the Site Development Permit for a new <br /> two-story residence, second unit, cabana and pool, Lands of Rutner, with the following <br /> additions/changes to the conditions of approval: add;to #2, that notice of site development <br /> hearing for landscaping be provided to all affected neighbors on Via Ventana Way; and <br /> add to #4, that paint colors shall be earth tones of gray, beige or brown....and shall exhibit <br /> a light reflectivity value of 40 or less. Roofs shall use materials which have a light <br /> reflectivity value of 40 or less and shall be of a color tone consistent with the paint colors <br /> and with little-variegation. - <br /> AYES: Chairman Gottlieb, Commissioners Schreiner& Jinkerson <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Commissioner Cheng <br /> ABSTAIN: Commissioner Aurelio <br /> This item will appear on the City Council agenda July 1, 1998. <br /> 3.2 LANDS OF ALLISON, 11030 Magdalena Avenue (71-98-ZP-SD); A <br /> request for a Site Development Permit for a new one-story 5,401 <br /> square foot residence with a 1,306 square foot attached garage, and <br /> pool. The maximum height is 21 %2 feet. The existing development <br /> on the site will be demolished. <br /> Staff had nothing further to add to the report. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Gary Kohlsaat, 531 Santa Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, project architect, described the design <br /> elements and was available for questions. Commissioner Schreiner asked if the pavement <br /> in the front setback could be reduced. Mr. Kohlsaat responded that it was approved by the <br /> fire department and it met their requirements. <br /> Ms. Davis clarified that the fire department has to 'use a portion within the setback for <br /> turnaround. They have reduced some of the pavement from the original submittal. <br /> Mr. Yeh, 24056 Jabil Lane, voiced concern regarding the septic system and the common <br /> property line. He also stated he did not receive a notice of this project. He made mention <br /> of a fence which he thought was on his property. However, the site plan indicates the <br /> fence is on the applicant's property. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br />