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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> June 10, 1998 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Commissioner Aurelio agreed with staff recommendations. Commissioner Jinkerson <br /> would like the chimneys to conform with UBC height minimums. Commissioner <br /> Schreiner was still concerned with the pavement in the setback (circular driveway) <br /> although she complimented the design of the house. She asked if the amount of pavement <br /> could be reduced or perhaps plant trees in the middle. Sandy Humphries, Environmental <br /> Design Committee, stated usually it is hard on trees to have concrete surrounding them. It <br /> was also noted there were no neighbor concern. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED: Motion by Commissioner Jinkerson and <br /> seconded by Commissioner Schreiner to approve the Site Development Permit for a new <br /> one-story residence with an attached garage, and pool, Lands of Allison, with the following <br /> additions/changes to the conditions of approval; the applicant shall work with staff to <br /> increase the landscape area and, if possible, reduce the amount of pavement within the <br /> front setback; the chimneys shall be the minimum height required by the Uniform Building <br /> Code; and the pines along the rear property line shall be retained. <br /> Commissioner Aurelio stated he could support the driveway as shown. He would not want <br /> to hold up the project by objecting to the motion. <br /> AYES: Chairman Gottlieb, Commissioners Aurelio, Jinkerson& Schreiner <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: , Commissioner Cheng <br /> This item will appear on the City Council agenda July 1, 1998. <br /> 3.3 LANDS OF HILL, 13870 La Paloma Road (114-97-ZP-SD); A <br /> request for a Site Development Permit for a new 5,432 square foot <br /> residence and 837 square foot attached garage with a maximum height <br /> of 23 feet. <br /> The Planning Director introduced this item noting the receipt of a letter from Bill Whitney. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Erin Haws, 2067 Colusa Way, San Jose, discussed the following: condition #10 (the <br /> existing pool); #18 (existing driveway); previous submittal; and design changes. He would <br /> like to maintain the gable on the right side of the house which is being requested to be <br /> deleted. They have reduced the footprint of the house, bring the mass area down. <br /> Bill Whitney, 13 890 La Paloma Road, reviewed his letter submitted to the Commission <br /> regarding the non-conforming secondary structure, drainage, construction vehicles, height <br /> of chimneys, screening, and lighting. <br />