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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> June 10, 1998 <br /> Page 6 <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Glen Cahoon, 296 Kansas Way, Fremont, project designer, discussed the property and <br /> design elements with the aid of an overhead presentation. Items discussed: existing trees, <br /> the removal of two pistachio trees in the area of construction; landscape screening; nestling <br /> the house into the site by stepping down the slope; house going across contours; drainage <br /> and swale issues; review of drainage again with landscape plan; profile section review; and <br /> the basement design to reduce cut and/or relocate the basement. The Planning Director <br /> suggested staying under two levels only for the basement, no higher than 12 feet. Mr. <br /> Cahoon continued by explaining the new grasscrete material which will be used. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Discussion ensued. The assistant engineer clarified the location of the conservation <br /> easement. Commissioner Schreiner voiced difficulty with this project as it relates to fitting <br /> on contours, stepping down, the excessive grading, the impact on the downhill neighbor, <br /> cut and grading for the basement, and tree protection. She would like a redesign to address <br /> these issues. Commissioner Aurelio discussed-the excessive export from the site. He was <br /> not sure the architecture was compatible with this site. He would like to see something that <br /> fit the site better. Chairman Gottlieb stated this was a beautiful piece of property but this <br /> design does not take advantage of the site. The roofline does not step, the house needs to <br /> come down with the slope (refer to Design Guidelines), and the grading needs to be <br /> reduced. <br /> Mr. Cahoon felt there could be a certain amount of redesign although with few options <br /> available. He can shift and reduce the basement. To accommodate a redesign, he will have <br /> to completely change the design. <br /> Chairman Gottlieb suggested going along the contours which would bring down the <br /> roofline. This is a lovely home.for a flat lot. Commissioner Schreiner referred to the <br /> Design Guidelines (the structure should be stepped down the hill utilizing one story <br /> building elements). She asked for the house to fit the land. The Planning Director <br /> suggested the applicant look at a combination of the suggestions. <br /> Stan Gamble, project contractor, commented that there was no public opposition. He felt a <br /> redesign would not improve the situation as this is not the greatest site. Regarding the <br /> export, it is a short haul to deposit the dirt at the Quarry. <br />