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Planning Commission: July 22, 1998 <br /> Lands of Korman <br /> Page 11 <br /> ATTACHMENT 2 <br /> RECOMMENDED FINDINGS FOR VARIANCE TO ALLOW EXISTING <br /> CONSTRUCTION TO ENCROACH WITHIN SIDE YARD SETBACK <br /> LANDS OF KORMAN -26157 ALTADENA DRIVE <br /> FILE#76-98-ZP-SD-GD-VAR-LLA <br /> 1. Because of exceptional and extraordinary circumstances applicable to the <br /> subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or <br /> surroundings, the strict application of the provisions of this Title is found to <br /> deprive such property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the <br /> vicinity and under identical zoning classification; <br /> The applicant's property is unusual in that the subject lot does not have street <br /> access and an existing structure and driveway exist on the intervening lot. <br /> Construction of a new access in a conforming location would be much more <br /> visible and obtrusive than using the existing access to connect the rear lot to <br /> Kingsley Way. The strict application of the Code provisions would preclude the <br /> applicant from preserving open space area on the two lots and from utilizing a <br /> joint driveway, as exist on numerous other lots in Town. A condition of <br /> approval has been added to require that, in the event of future sale or <br /> subdivision of parcel A, the house on that lot must be made conforming by <br /> modifying either the structure or the driveway access. <br /> 2. Upon the granting of the variance, the intent and purpose of the applicable <br /> sections of the Zoning Ordinance will still be served and the recipient of the <br /> variance will not be granted special privileges not enjoyed by other <br /> surrounding property owners; <br /> The intent and purposes of the Zoning Ordinance will be served because the <br /> visibility and impacts of the driveway will be negligible, as most of the driveway <br /> already exists and the new driveway portion would be screened from offsite view <br /> by the proposed home. Special privileges would not be granted as the driveway <br /> alignment would impact the applicant only while preserving open areas visible to <br /> other neighbors. A conditionof approval has been added to require that, in <br /> the event of future sale or subdivision of parcel A, the house on that lot must <br /> be made conforming by modifying either the structure or the driveway <br /> access. <br /> 3. The granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public <br /> welfare or injurious to the property, improvements or uses within the <br /> immediate vicinity and within the same zoning district; <br /> The granting of the variances would not negatively impact any neighboring <br /> properties, as the driveway would be shielded by the existing and proposed home, <br /> and would be adjacent to (but not highly visible from) an open space preserve. <br /> No significant vegetation will be removed, and virtually no grading will be <br /> required for the new driveway. <br />