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Planning Commission: July 22, 1998 <br /> Lands of Korman <br /> Page 2 <br /> Please note that the story poles have not been changed. To visualize the new <br /> location, the western edge of the residence would be moved to approximately where <br /> the second line of story poles is presently. <br /> Height of Portico and Chimney <br /> The Commission discussed the height of the portico and chimney, although no specific <br /> direction was given regarding the portico. This feature is only proposed at 16 feet above <br /> the ground level, with a 3 foot high deck railing above on two sides and a similar height <br /> parapet wall on the front. The minimum height of the portico would need to be 13'6" for <br /> Fire Department clearance and probably at least 24" for the roof above, so that there is <br /> very little room for reducing the height. As the portico faces only the open space at <br /> Esther Clark Park, staff concurs with the architect that no changes are needed. <br /> The applicant has reduced the height of the chimney by one foot, from 27 feet to 26 feet. <br /> The architect has indicated to staff that the chimney is very important to provide an <br /> additional "vertical" element to the horizontal structure, and is reluctant to reduce the <br /> height further. Staff concurs, particularly since there is only one chimney proposed, <br /> whereas on other projects there are frequently at least two or three chimneys. <br /> Skylight <br /> The architect's letter states that the skylight has been reduced to 33 feet (in length). The <br /> plans appear, however, to be unchanged from the initial plans (36.5 feet) and it is unclear <br /> whether a 3.5 foot reduction is proposed or if the architect is simply excluding the beams <br /> which break up the skylight area. The architect's letter also notes that the skylight is <br /> recessed between other walls and will not be visible at the exterior. It appears from the <br /> plans that the skylight would be located 3-5 feet lower than the adjacent walls on either <br /> side of the skylight. The conditions of approval require that the skylight reduce emitted <br /> light and that no lighting be placed directly below the skylight. <br /> Stone Wall <br /> The applicant has made two small adjustments to the proposed stone wall from the <br /> residence to the adjoining parcel A. First, the length of the wall has been reduced by 12 <br /> feet, primarily due to the shifting of the house to the east (the wall actually extends a few <br /> feet further into parcel A than previously). Second, the first step down from the house <br /> has been reduced to about 8.5 feet from 10 feet in the initial proposal, and then to 3 feet <br /> for the remainder. Staff notes, however,that the wall is not permitted by Code to exceed <br /> 6 feet in height within the setback, and has added to condition#1 a requirement to reduce <br /> any wall height within the setback to 6 feet or less, in compliance with the Zoning Code. <br /> Parcel A Condition Re: Sale or Subdivision <br /> Staff has prepared condition of approval #10 to require that, upon the sale or subdivision <br /> of parcel A, the residence on that parcel must be made conforming to the Town's setback <br /> requirements. This could be accomplished by either: 1) modifying or demolishing the <br /> existing structure and relocating it at least 30 feet from the ingress/egress easement; or 2) <br /> providing an alternative access easement through parcel A to parcel B. Staff has studied <br /> the plan and is comfortable that, if parcel A were split, such an easement could be located <br /> along the common property line and then along either the east or west side of parcel B to <br /> the garage. While it is highly unlikely that this would be a desirable solution for future <br /> owners, the agreement would preserve all reasonably available planning options. <br />