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Planning Commission <br /> July 22, 1998 <br /> Lands of Danaher <br /> Page 2 <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> Site Data <br /> Gross Lot Area: 1.62 acres <br /> Net Lot Area: 1.271 acres <br /> Average Slope: 22.4% <br /> Lot Unit Factor: .93 <br /> Floor and Development Area <br /> Area Maximum Proposed Existing* Increase Left <br /> Development 9,657 9,657 12,632 -2,975 -0- <br /> Floor 5,020 5,020 5,492 -472 -0- <br /> *Existing house,garage,accessory building and some hardscape to be demolished. <br /> Site and Architecture <br /> The applicants are requesting approval of a site development permit to construct a new 4,238 <br /> square foot residence with a 764 square foot attached garage. Most of the existing development <br /> including the remainder of the fire damaged residence, attached garage, accessory storage <br /> building and some hardscape will be demolished. The pool and decking and retaining walls <br /> behind the house will remain. <br /> Exterior materials would consist of wood shingle siding, wood windows, doors and trim, and <br /> dark brown metal roofing. The maximum height of the main roof ridge would be just under 27 <br /> feet as measured from the building pad. The roof curves down from this high point so the bulk <br /> of it would be lower than 27 feet. The height as measured from the lowest to highest point would <br /> be 31 feet. The proposed materials will help blend the house into the site. Having no stucco <br /> elements and using mostly wood will also help reduce bulk and mass. The use of a metal roof <br /> may be of concern to the Commission. The project architects will have a sample of the proposed <br /> roofing at the meeting. The use of a dark brown color is consistent with the Town's color policy, <br /> and provided that the material is not highly reflective, staff does not have any concerns about the <br /> metal roofing. There is also a model of the proposed residence that will be available for review <br /> in the Council Chambers prior to the meeting. The model will also be available at the <br /> Commission meeting. <br /> The architectural style, while different than that of the old house, and the exterior colors and <br /> materials will help the house fit the site. Mature vegetation on the property would help screen <br /> the property from most off-site views. The new residence has been located in about the same <br /> place as the existing house, although the building footprint is smaller. Story poles have been <br /> placed on the site for the Commission's review. <br />