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• <br /> Planning Commission <br /> Lands of Davison <br /> August 12, 1998 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Driveway &Parking <br /> The driveway enters the site from the end of the Orchard Hill Lane cul de sac. The <br /> parking on the site includes 3 spaces in the garage and 2 spaces in the oversized <br /> turnaround area. Both spaces located within the turnaround area are located within the <br /> setbacks of the property, but are existing spaces which would not be required to be <br /> changed. <br /> Outdoor Lighting <br /> Outdoor lighting has been shown on sheet 2 of the plans. The applicant proposes one light <br /> per exit, except at the front entry. Light fixtures have not been selected, but are required <br /> to be downshielded to minimize visibility from off site (condition#5). <br /> Trees &Landscaping <br /> There are several orchard trees along the slope to the north 6f the existing residence. The <br /> trees will provide some minor screening of the new guest house from off site, although <br /> additional screening would be required to minimize any visual impact. The <br /> Environmental.Design & Protection Committee has commented that additional trees <br /> should be planted along the north, downhill side of the new structure. Staff has included a <br /> condition requiring staff to review a landscape screening plan for the building prior to <br /> final inspection (condition #2). <br /> Grading &Drainage <br /> The guest house has been located on the flatter portion of the slope, downhill of the <br /> residence. The guest house would require up to 3.5 feet of cut at the southern side of the <br /> structure and 3 feet of fill along the north portion of the building. Additional cut and fill <br /> has beendesigned around the structure to allow for access around the building. The fill to <br /> the north of the residence would not exceed 3.5 feet and the retaining wall at the south <br /> side of the structure would be 5 feet in height. <br /> The basement of the main residence will be backfilled along the front of the residence to <br /> assure that the Code requirement for basements is met and this space has not been <br /> counted toward the floor or development areas. <br /> The Engineering Department has reviewed the plans I and has recommended conditions of <br /> approval as specified in Attachment 1. Drainage is designed to sheetflow around the new <br /> guest house. The Engineering Department will review and approve the final drainage plan <br /> prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check. Final "as-built" grading and drainage <br /> will be inspected by the Engineering Department, and any deficiencies will be required to <br /> be corrected prior to final inspection. <br />