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Planning Commission <br /> Lands of Gafner <br /> August 12, 1998 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Staff notes that the proposed floor area has been reduced by approximately 800 square <br /> feet due to the plan changes. A revised worksheet #2 is attached, as is a letter from the <br /> applicant's architect, outlining the modifications from the previous proposal (note that <br /> basement space (514 sq. ft.) is now included in the floor area, as a small portion of the <br /> basement wall would be above grade). The story poles on the site have been adjusted to <br /> reflect the new height limitations. <br /> Modifications <br /> The Planning Commission gave specific direction to the applicants regarding the project, <br /> and the applicants have modified the plans in response to the comments. These changes <br /> include: <br /> 1. Reduce the overall height of the residence to no higher than 23 feet. <br /> The applicant has reduced the height of the residence to 23 feet by reducing the <br /> height of the interior attic spaces, lowering the finished floor by one foot, and <br /> reducing the roof pitch from 8:12 to 7:12. The lowest-to-highest height is now 25 <br /> feet. Also, the living space over the garage has been eliminated and converted to <br /> attic storage, with a pull-down stair. The height of the garage is now 19'10". <br /> The change in height also reduces the project square footage significantly, as attic <br /> areas over 7 feet in height have been eliminated. <br /> 2. Protect the views of adjacent neighbors. <br /> Two neighbors spoke at the last meeting regarding view impacts: Mr. Thomas, at <br /> 27033 Dezahara Way, and Mr. Jacquess, at 27053 Taaffe Road. In addition to <br /> lowering the height, the proposed home has been relocated approximately 15 feet <br /> uphill by reducing the three car garage to a two car garage. This change appears <br /> to have restored the view from the Thomas residence. The changes to height and <br /> location also have enhanced potential views from the Jacquess site, although staff <br /> notes that there is not an existing view from that site due to the mature trees which <br /> are located on the Gafner lot and the adjacent site. <br /> Staff has also received a phone call from a representative of the subdivision's <br /> architectural control committee, indicating that they have reviewed the plans and <br /> have determined that the project as revised now complies with the CC&R's. <br />