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Planning Commission: September 23, 1998 <br /> Nextel: SMR Antennas <br /> Page 4 <br /> ATTACHMENT 2 <br /> EXHIBIT "B" <br /> FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL OF <br /> CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT <br /> NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS <br /> SMR TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY <br /> FOOTHILL COLLEGE- 12345 EL MONTE ROAD <br /> #154-98-ZP-SD-CUP - _ <br /> 1. The proposed use or facility is properly located in relation to the community <br /> as a whole, land uses, and transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; <br /> The communications facility has been located interior to the Foothill College <br /> campus, and is compatible with the institutional use, while providing for efficient <br /> radio coverage for the vicinity. The antenna is situated over 200 feet from the <br /> nearest residence, and approximately 400 feet from Hwy. 280. The project would <br /> be consistent with the Town's adopted telecommunications facility policy, in that <br /> it would be located on non-residential land and would result in no substantial <br /> visual impact. <br /> 2. The site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate <br /> the proposed use and all yards, open spaces, walls and fences, parking, <br /> loading, landscaping, and such_other features as may be required by this <br /> chapter or will be needed to assure that the proposed use will be reasonably <br /> compatible with land uses normally permitted in the surrounding area; <br /> The Foothill College campus is 136.44 acres in size, and all structures are located <br /> in compliance with setback and other building provisions of the Code. The site <br /> can readily accommodate the structures, as well as access to the equipment for <br /> maintenance purposes. <br /> 3. The site for the proposed use will be served by streets and highways of <br /> adequate width and pavement to carry the quantity and kind of traffic <br /> generated by the proposed use; and <br /> The project will generate only a few trips to the facility per month, for <br /> maintenance purposes. Access to the equipment and parking is readily available <br /> and easements through the campus exist for this purpose. <br /> 4. The proposed use will not adversely affect the abutting property or the <br /> permitted use thereof. <br /> The size of the site and the distance from adjacent lots and Hwy. 280 minimize <br /> any impacts of the project on abutting properties. The panel antennas will be <br /> mounted on the parapets of existing buildings, and will be painted to match the <br /> building color. The project would generate no noise or other nuisance impacts to <br /> surrounding properties. <br />