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Planning Commission <br /> Lands of Blair <br /> September 23, 1998 <br /> Page 2 <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW <br /> An Initial Study, Mitigated Negative Declaration and draft Mitigation Monitoring <br /> Program have been prepared for the project. The review period for the Mitigated <br /> Negative Declaration (Attachment 3) for the proposed two lot subdivision ends October <br /> 2, 1998. The Planning Commission may make comments on both the Mitigated Negative <br /> Declaration and the Tentative Map. The Negative Declaration must be accepted in order <br /> to approve the tentative map. In order to recommend approval of the document, the <br /> Commission needs to find that there are no significant environmental effects which are <br /> not addressed through the proposed mitigation measures. <br /> Recommended mitigation measures include drainage improvements, construction <br /> regulations relative to the flood plain, protection of existing mature trees, geotechnical <br /> review and inspection of any archaeological finds by a qualified individual. If the <br /> Commission determines that substantive changes to the Negative Declaration are needed, <br /> the document will need to be re-circulated for another 21 day public review period. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> The subject property was created in 1903. The Town has no map of record since the <br /> creation of-the lot pre-dates the incorporation of the Town. Access is currently from a <br /> private driveway off Fremont Road, approximately 55 feet south of the northeast corner <br /> of the property. The site is largely undeveloped, although there is a residence, detached <br /> garage, barn, and minimal hardscape on the property. A ten foot wide sanitary sewer <br /> easement is the only recorded easement on the property. <br /> DISCUSSION AND ISSUES <br /> Project Location and Setting <br /> The project site is located on the west side of Fremont Road south of Arastradero Road <br /> and across from Old Trace Lane. Barron Creek crosses under Fremont Road and runs <br /> through the property where it enters a culvert at the south property line. Properties to the <br /> north and south and across Fremont Road to the east are developed with single family <br /> homes. To the rear (west) is Congregation Beth-Am, a religious institution. The access <br /> driveway to the existing residence enters the property from Fremont Road, near the <br /> northeast corner of the lot. <br /> Existing development includes a driveway, residence, detached garage, barn and <br /> hardscape. All of the present improvements would be removed in favor of two new <br /> residences. There are scattered trees on the site including Walnut, Palm and <br /> Liquidambar. Other than two apricot trees to be removed from Parcel B, all of the <br /> existing trees are to be saved. Due to the presence of the creek, part of Parcel 1 is within a <br /> 100 year flood zone. The site is relatively flat, with an average slope of 6.3%. <br />