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Planning Commission <br /> December 9, 1998 <br /> Lands of Denny&Ventura <br /> Page 2 <br /> Code Requirements <br /> Review authority for lot line adjustments is outlined in Section 66412(d) of the State's <br /> Subdivision Map Act, which states that: <br /> "A local agency shall limit its review and approval to a determination of <br /> whether or not the parcels resulting from the lot line—adjustment will <br /> conform to local zoning and building ordinances. A local agency shall not <br /> impose conditions or exactions on its approval of a lot line adjustment <br /> except to conform to local zoning and building ordinances..." <br /> The Town's Codes do not address lot line adjustments, but the standard Town process <br /> includes a public hearing before the Planning Commission, and Council consideration as <br /> a New Business item. After approval, the lot line adjustment is effectuated by the <br /> recordation of a grant deed and a certificate of compliance. <br /> Analysis <br /> Both lots are presently developed with residences, and are accessed from separate <br /> driveways off La Loma Drive. There is detached garage that crosses the common <br /> property line that was in place prior to the Town's incorporation in 1956. This structure <br /> was apparently built by the former owner of the Denny property (Lawler). The garage <br /> would remain after the lot line adjustment. <br /> The Ventura property is currently developed in excess of the maximum MFA and MDA, <br /> and the lot unit factor (LUF) is less than the minimum requirement of 1.0. After the lot <br /> line adjustment the LUF would be 1.72, and the existing development would be less than <br /> the maximum allowable floor and development area. The detached garage that crosses <br /> the property line would have a conforming setback (30 feet minimum) following the lot <br /> - line adjustment. <br /> Three accessory buildings on the Denny property would be required to be relocated or <br /> demolished as they cannot cross the new common property line or be within the 30 foot <br /> setback (these are marked with X's on the tentative map). The map indicates that four <br /> buildings are to be removed. All existing easements on both lots will remain. <br /> CONCLUSION <br /> The proposed lot line adjustment will result in lots which remain consistent with the <br /> Town's Zoning Code, given the existing non-conforming size of the lots, and other <br /> zoning, site development and building requirements would be applied to any future <br /> development. Upon approval, the applicant must submit to the Town a copy of the <br /> signed and notarized grant deeds, with legal description and plat exhibits prepared by a <br /> licensed surveyor, and the Town will prepare certificates of compliance for recordation. <br />