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3. L./ <br /> TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS December 9, 1998 <br /> Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> RE: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR <br /> CONSTRUCTION OF SCIENCE AND DAYCARE ADDITIONS AND <br /> NEW RESTROOMS TO EXISTING BUILDINGS, AND PARKING <br /> RECONFIGURATION; AND PROPOSED NEGATIVE DECLARATION; <br /> 12816 EL MONTE AVE.; LANDS OF ST. NICHOLAS SCHOOL; (#214- <br /> 98-ZP-SD-CUP-ND). - <br /> FROM: Curtis S. Williams,Planning Dire <br /> RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission: <br /> Recommend to the City Council approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the <br /> conditions of approval outlined in Exhibit"A" (attached), and citing the findings outlined <br /> in Exhibit "C"; approval of the site development permit, subject to the conditions of <br /> approval outlined in Exhibit"B" (attached); and adoption of the Negative Declaration. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> In 1959, the Town of Los Altos Hills City Council approved a conditional use permit <br /> (#CUP 53-59) for a private religious school and related uses, including a residence (to be <br /> used as a convent) and pool, at 12816 El Monte Ave., for St. Nicholas Church and <br /> School. The permit was approved subject to conditions, which were since amended <br /> through 1990. The current conditions of approval areincluded as Attachment 5 to the <br /> staff report. <br /> Subsequent to the original approval, the Planning Commission and City Council <br /> reviewed the use permit and made minor modifications. In the mid-1960's, the parish <br /> hall and a new convent were constructed, and the original residence became a caretaker's <br /> quarters. Since that time, only minor changes to the facilities, including added parking <br /> lot lighting (1987), have been approved. In 1994, the caretaker's quarters and pool were <br /> demolished, as is reflected on the plans and in worksheet #2. Also, of some note, the <br /> access to the school from El Monte Ave. was reviewed during consideration of the <br /> Clausen subdivision in the early 1980's and no provisions for access to Vorhess Drive <br /> were made with that subdivision. _ <br /> The site is currently comprised of two lots. One condition (#12) of the site development <br /> approval is that the two lots be merged into a single parcel and that the Town record a <br /> Certificate of Compliance documenting the merger, prior to acceptance of plans for <br /> building plan check. <br /> CODE PROVISIONS <br /> Section 10-1.703(b) of the Town's Zoning Code permits the location of churches and <br /> convents in the R-A (Residential-Agricultural) zone only as a conditional use, and <br /> Section 10-1.703(g) similarly allows for private schools as a conditional use. Section <br /> 10-1.1107(1) of the Code outlines four findings which must be made by the Planning <br /> Commission and City Council in order to approve a conditional use permit. These <br /> findings, as outlined in Exhibit"C" (Attachment 3), include determinations that the site is <br /> properly located with respect to the community as a whole; that the site is adequately <br /> sized to accommodate the use; that the site is adequately served by streets and other <br /> services; and that the use and structures will not have an adverse impact on neighboring <br />