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Planning Commission: December 9, 1998 <br /> St.Nicholas School: Conditional Use Permit <br /> Page 2 <br /> properties. Although a use permit was initially approved in 1959 for the site, establishing <br /> the allowable uses, the substantial expansion proposed would require an amendment to <br /> that permit. Since the permit numbering system is now changed from 1959, staff has <br /> assigned a new permit number to the application. <br /> In addition to the requirement for a conditional use permit, a site development permit is <br /> needed as the project proposes floor area increases in excess of 1,500 square feet, <br /> requiring Planning Commission review per Section 10-2.301(c) of the Site Development <br /> Code. Relevant criteria for site development and zoning review include floor area and <br /> development area limitations, height, setbacks, parking, siting and visibility, grading, <br /> lighting, and landscaping. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> The applicant, St. Nicholas School, proposes to construct additions of approximately <br /> 3,688 square feet, including a science classroom, an extended daycare area, and <br /> restrooms,to the existing southeast wing of the school, as well as some reconfiguration of <br /> parking on the site to accommodate 12 more parking spaces. <br /> The proposed additions are intended to provide for improved science education and <br /> extended daycare hours on the site, as well as to provide for handicapped-accessible <br /> restrooms. The school indicates that no increase in enrollment is expected, but that the <br /> science and daycare resources would be enhanced. <br /> • <br /> Site Description <br /> The subject property is approximately 17.25 acres in size and is located east/northeast of <br /> the El Monte Ave./Voorhees Drive intersection. The site is presently developed with a <br /> 9,570 square foot parish hall, a 14,668 square foot convent and garage, and <br /> approximately 16,827 square feet of classroom and administrative space, and a 338 <br /> square foot outbuilding, as well as associated parking, hardscape, and play fields for <br /> baseball and soccer. The slope of the site is relatively flat (less than 10%) in the vicinity <br /> of the existing buildings and playfields, but is steeper elsewhere, with an overall average <br /> slope of 16.9%. The property contains numerous trees over its undeveloped areas, <br /> primarily between the school and El Monte Ave., and along the broad drainage swale in <br /> the northeast quadrant of the site. Surrounding uses to the northeast, southeast and <br /> southwest(across Voorhees Drive) are all single-family residential. <br /> Access to the site is from a private driveway from El Monte Ave., immediately adjacent <br /> to (northeast of) Voorhees Drive. The driveway and Voorhees Drive share a common <br /> signalized intersection at El Monte Ave., though there are separate signals for each road. <br /> Current access into the site loops in front of the school, with a connecting driveway to the <br /> convent to the rear. <br /> Floor Area and Development Area <br /> Floor area and development area limitations for a religious or school use are not <br /> addressed in the Code differently than for residential uses. Staff has therefore requested <br /> that the pertinent worksheet #2 be provided (Attachment 6) to compare allowable <br /> development levels with those proposed, summarized as follows: <br />