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Planning Commission: December 9, 1998 <br /> St.Nicholas School: Conditional Use Permit <br /> Page 3 <br /> Site Data: <br /> Net Lot Area: 17.14 acres <br /> Average Slope: 16.9%. <br /> Lot Unit Factor: 14.6 <br /> Allowable Proposed Existing Increase Remaining <br /> 82,597 sf 45,092 sf 44,154 sf 938 sf 37,505 sf <br /> 9 f° ela' .4-en`' 181,297 sf 179,582 sf 180,095 sf - 513 sf 1,715 sf <br /> As shown, the project complies with the Town's floor area and development area <br /> limitations. Staff notes that the floor area numbers include 3,688 square foot of <br /> additions, but also account for the demolition of the previously existing residence on the <br /> site (2,751 square feet) in 1994. Similarly, the development area numbers reflect <br /> demolition of the residence and the pool and hardscape, such that there is a net decrease <br /> of development area. <br /> Design and Height <br /> The proposed additions are intended to match the existing one-story classroom buildings. <br /> The plans note that the building siding will be stucco, with built-up roofing. The walls <br /> are to be white and yellow, matching the existing, with gray columns and doors. Color <br /> samples have been provided and will be available at the Commission meeting. <br /> The height of the additions will match the height of the existing structure, with a <br /> maximum height above the slab of 17'8-1/2". Due to the location of these additions in a <br /> parking area and the potential hazards of story poles around children at the school, staff <br /> did not request story poles be erected. The applicant has, however, provided a <br /> photomontage (attached with plans) showing how the building addition would appear on <br /> the site. <br /> Setbacks for the additions would be well in excess of Town minimum standards, and in <br /> particular would be 80 feet from the Voorhees Drive property line to the southeast. The <br /> additions would then be located about 200 feet from the nearest residence. <br /> Parking <br /> Although the applicants indicate that the proposed construction is not intended to increase <br /> enrollment, staff requested a parking analysis to assure that parking problems are riot <br /> created or exacerbated by the additions. The analysis is shown on the front page of the <br /> plans. The site currently contains a total of 96 parking spaces, according to the plans, and <br /> proposes reconfiguring and striping parking to accommodate 108 vehicles. The <br /> reconfiguration includes striping over the existing basketball courts to allow the use of <br /> that area for parking during major events. The parking analysis uses the parking <br /> standards of the cities of Palo Alto and Los Altos as a guideline for review, as the Town <br /> does not have criteria for parking for schools and churches. According to these standards, <br /> 127 spaces would be required for the site, regardless of the additions. Only 108 spaces <br /> are shown to be provided, but that is an increase of 16 above the amount existing. <br /> The classroom additions do not affect the parking demand, because engineering formulas <br /> for parking at an elementary or middle school, as shown, are dictated by the gymnasium <br />