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Planning Commission: December 9, 1998 <br /> St. Nicholas School: Conditional Use Permit <br /> Page 4 <br /> or auditorium use, not by classroom square footage. Staff observations during several <br /> visits to the site during the daytime support this analysis, as the parking lots have <br /> generally been near empty during school hours. <br /> Staff is concerned, however, that large events at the school be limited to assure that <br /> parking does not impact neighboring residents by using Voorhees Drive, Clausen Court, <br /> or constricting the El Monte Ave. intersections. The current use permit contains a <br /> condition requiring that: "No parking shall be allowed on any surrounding <br /> neighborhood street or on the driveway entrance to the property." (condition #2). <br /> Another condition (#1) limits evening events to a total of 12 per calendar year. To <br /> further assure proper traffic control for such events, staff has suggested (in Attachment 1) <br /> that the conditions (proposed condition #5) be modified to include, for any event with <br /> attendance in excess of 250 people, that traffic and parking control be provided and, if <br /> necessary,that shuttle service be provided to and from off-site parking locations. <br /> Traffic <br /> Regarding traffic, the City Engineer has indicated that the current St. Nicholas/Voorhees <br /> Drive intersection with El Monte is problematic, due primarily to fast moving traffic <br /> exiting Hwy. 280 at the northbound off-ramp. Representatives of the school have <br /> previously approached the Town about their traffic safety concerns, and the Town has <br /> responded by adding new directional signs and traffic markings and by enlarging the <br /> signal lights at the intersection. As the project is not expected to increase school <br /> enrollment or total trips to the school, however, staff has not required any additional <br /> traffic studies-or mitigation measures related to the intersection. Staff believes it would <br /> be appropriate to notify the school of the need for future analysis of the intersection and <br /> has suggested a condition (proposed condition #6 on Attachment 1) that, if enrollment is <br /> increased in the future, traffic studies must be submitted analyzing and proposing <br /> improvements, if feasible,to ensure the safe operation of the intersection. <br /> Drainage <br /> Drainage from the addition and the associated parking area is proposed to be conveyed to <br /> the drainage ditch parallel to Voorhees Drive, and then to the existing storm drain system <br /> along El Monte Ave. The Engineering Department has not required any drainage <br /> improvements as the total amount of development area on the site is being decreased. <br /> Most of the area of the addition is to be located over existing paved areas. <br /> Additionally, current condition#8 (proposed condition#10) of the conditional use permit <br /> requires that the school maintain drainage from the parking lot on a regular basis, to the <br /> satisfaction of the Engineering Department. <br /> Grading <br /> No grading is proposed for the additions or parking, as all of the new construction will be <br /> in the vicinity of existing pavement <br /> Trees and Landscaping <br /> The project proposes removal of three small trees in the vicinity of the existing building, <br /> but would replace those with four trees in the proposed courtyard and also proposed two <br /> new trees at the edge of the driveway above Voorhees Drive. <br />