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Planning Commission: December 9, 1998 <br /> St.Nicholas School: Conditional Use Permit <br /> Page 5 <br /> The Environmental Design Committee has reviewed the plans and inadvertently <br /> recommended that an oak tree be preserved (it is not an oak, but one of the three trees to <br /> be removed and replaced). The Committee also suggested that some shade trees be added <br /> to the parking area. Staff notes that there is not much room to add trees unless some <br /> spaces are deleted, which is feasible if the Commission considers parking to be adequate. <br /> The architect has indicated that adding trees could still be problematic as the parking <br /> areas double as play areas at some times. A condition of approval (#2) of the site <br /> development permit would require a landscape plan to include specifics of the plantings, <br /> in addition to shrubbery planted at the base of the addition on the Voorhees Drive side, <br /> and two 24-inch box oak trees to be located in the parking area. The plan would need to <br /> be reviewed and approved by staff,with input from the Environmental Design Committee <br /> and planting completed prior to final inspection. <br /> Outdoor Lighting <br /> Lighting for the additions is proposed to be ceiling mounted beneath the roof overhangs <br /> and should not therefore be visible from off site. Two light standards will be removed <br /> from the parking area and one of those will be relocated to another parking_area more <br /> distant from Voorhees Drive and better screened from off-site by the buildings. <br /> Condition#6 of Attachment 2 requires that the school provide specifications forthe new <br /> lighting fixtures for staff approval prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check. <br /> Noise <br /> Noise (as well as traffic and parking) from large events could potentially be a source of <br /> concern for neighbors. The current permit, however, limits evening events to a total of <br /> twelve (12) per calendar year, and that each event be concluded not later than 11:00 p.m. <br /> on weeknights and not later than 12:00 midnight on Friday and Saturday. Staff <br /> recommends that a similar condition(#4)be retained in the amended use permit. <br /> Another condition of the current use permit (proposed condition #7) limits the use of the <br /> public address system to no more than five (5) minutes each morning for the morning <br /> assembly. <br /> Other Staff and Committee Reviews <br /> The Fire Department requests (Attachment 7) that an additional fire hydrant be installed <br /> to meet hydrant spacing standards. The plans show a new hydrant located in the parking <br /> area near the addition. The Department also has requested that fire sprinklers be provided <br /> in the additions as well as the existing building 1 which connects to the additions. The <br /> Fire Department's conditions are included in Exhibit "B" (Attachment 2) for the site <br /> development permit. <br /> The Pathways Committee has requested that the existing asphalt path along El Monte <br /> Ave. be extended across the median to Voorhees Drive and that the vegetation be cleared <br /> from the existing pathway (Attachment 8). Staff notes that the extension would be in an <br /> area that currently serves as a crosswalk, and may not be beneficial, but is probably <br /> feasible. The Committee's recommendation is included in the conditions of approval <br /> (#15) for the site development permit(Attachment 2). <br /> The Environmental Design Committee has commented on landscaping as discussed <br /> previously, and has also suggested replanting eroded slopes with native species and <br /> perhaps removing some acacias and replacing them with more natives (Attachment 9). <br />