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Planning Commission: December 9, 1998 <br /> St.Nicholas School: Conditional Use Permit <br /> Page 8 <br /> ATTACHMENT 1 <br /> EXHIBIT "A" <br /> CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br /> CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PRIVATE SCHOOL <br /> LANDS OF ST.NICHOLAS SCHOOL <br /> 12816 EL MONTE AVE. <br /> #214-98-ZP-SD-CUP-ND <br /> 1. This conditional use permit allows the use of the subject property as a private <br /> religious school and for related religious uses (e.g., parish hall, convent, etc.), <br /> subject to the following conditions and according to plans approved by the City <br /> Council on , 1999. Any further expansion or change of the use <br /> shall require an amendment to the conditional use permit. Additionally, the <br /> Planning Director may, at any time, schedule a review or revocation hearing <br /> before the Planning Commission regarding the use permit, if any condition of <br /> approval is not being met .or if the facility is being used inconsistent with the <br /> approved use or in violation of Town development codes. <br /> 2. Not later than five years after this approval, the applicant shall request and the <br /> Planning Commission shall then review the use permit at a noticed public hearing, <br /> to determine that the use remains in compliance with the conditions of approval. <br /> Subsequent to the initial review, subsequent reviews shall occur every five (5) <br /> years thereafter. <br /> 3. If permittee abandons the use of said real property allowed by this permit for a <br /> period of one year, then the abandonment shall constitute a revocation of the use <br /> herein granted, and this Use Permit shall become null and void. <br /> 4. Evening events sponsored by the applicant shall be limited to a total of twelve <br /> (12) per calendar year and shall be concluded no later than the hour of 11:00 p.m. <br /> on weeknights and 12:00 midnight on Friday and Saturday evenings. <br /> 5. No parking shall be allowed on any surrounding neighborhood street or on the <br /> driveway entrance to the property. For any event at which attendance is expected <br /> to exceed 250 persons, on-site parking and traffic control shall be provided for the <br /> duration of the event and, if necessary, shuttles shall be provided to and from off- <br /> site parking areas. - <br /> 6. If enrollment is increased in the future, traffic studies shall be prepared at the <br /> applicant's expense, analyzing and proposing improvements, where determined to <br /> be feasible and acceptable to the City Engineer, to ensure the safe operation of the <br /> driveway intersection at El Monte Ave. _ <br /> 7. The use of the public address system shall be limited to not more than five (5) <br /> minutes each morning for the morning assembly. No other outdoor sound <br /> amplification shall be allowed on the site. Noise levels shall be limited to comply <br /> with the provisions of Section 5-2.02 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code. <br /> 8. Whenever students of the institution are present at the school, at least one faculty <br /> or staff member shall be present. <br />