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Planning Commission: December 9, 1998 <br /> St.Nicholas School: Conditional Use Permit <br /> Page 9 <br /> 9. All requirements of the Santa Clara County Fire Department and the Santa Clara <br /> County Health Department shall be complied with as part of this permit. The <br /> trees on the property shall be maintained trim and clean, and any dead material <br /> under the trees shall be removed on a regular basis. <br /> 10. Onsite storm drainage facilities shall be inspected and maintained annually by the <br /> school. The storm drainage system includes any drainage inlets, pipes, and open <br /> ditches, particularly the ditch adjacent to Voorhees Drive. <br /> 11. All lighting shall be constructed and operated so as to eliminate any direct <br /> illumination toward any existing residence or building lot site. Such lighting <br /> shall be operated so as not to constitute a nuisance toward any adjacent property <br /> owner. All parking lot lighting shall be turned off by not later than 10:00 p.m., or <br /> not later than 30 minutes past the end of an event (where permitted later than <br /> 10:00 p.m.), except where determined to be necessary for visibility along the <br /> driveway. <br />