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5 <br /> TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS December 9, 1998 <br /> Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> RE: PROPOSED ORDNANCE AMENDING SECTION 10-1.601 OF THE <br /> TOWN'S ZONING CODE TO REQUIRE THAT A MINIMUM OF TWO (2) <br /> PARKING SPACES BE ENCLOSED IN A GARAGE; AND ADOPTION <br /> OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION. <br /> FROM: Curtis Williams, Planning Direq J`'_ <br /> RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission: <br /> Recommend to the City Council adoption of the proposed Negative Declaration and <br /> adoption of the attached ordinance amendment. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> On July 8, 1998, the Planning Commission considered ordinance language to require <br /> some of the required parking on a site to be enclosed within a garage. The amendment <br /> was drafted in response to concerns of the Commission that some properties were being <br /> developed to the maximum floor area allowance without a garage, which was detrimental <br /> in two respects. First, as a garage is an expected accessory use to most residences, a <br /> variance may be required (and in fact had been requested and approved) for such sites <br /> where garages were not initially approved,.but subsequent owners felt the need for a <br /> garage. Second, a garage provides room for storage as well as for parking, and as such • <br /> generally enhances the attractiveness of the site. <br /> The Commission suggested that requiring a three-car garage would be appropriate, except <br /> that for lots with an MFA of 4,000 square feet or less, only a two-car garage should be <br /> required. On September 2, 1998, the City Council considered the Commission's <br /> recommendation, and determined that the ordinance should only require a minimum of <br /> two parking spaces to be enclosed in a garage. The Council directed staff to prepare the <br /> ordinance format and to schedule appropriate public hearings at the <br /> Planning Commission and Council. Staff had initially scheduled this hearing for <br /> November 11, 1998, but had to reschedule to December due to the Commission's change <br /> of meeting date. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> The attached draft ordinance (added language in bold) would amend Section 10-1.601 of <br /> the Zoning Code. The current ordinance provision requires four (4) parking spaces for <br /> each primary residence and one (1) additional space for a secondary dwelling. There is <br /> no requirement, however, that any of the parking spaces be covered or enclosed. The <br /> proposed amendment would require that two (2) of the required parking spaces be <br /> enclosed in a garage. <br /> Projects in Review Process <br /> Staff is not aware of any projects currently in the review process which do not comply <br /> with the provisions of the proposed amendment, or which could not readily comply with <br /> no impact on floor or development area limitations. Staff would consider that any <br /> project with prior site development approval could proceed to obtain a building permit <br /> pursuant to that approval. Staff would apply the new provision to all major additions and <br /> new residences, but would generally not require this upgrade for "minor" additions <br />