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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
December 9, 1998
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Staff Report
Item Number
October 28, 1998 Draft Regular Meeting Minutes
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.3 <br /> Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> October 28, 1998 <br /> Page 2 <br /> attorney, Harry Price, addressing use of the easement and supporting Mr. Shideler's contention <br /> that he has a right to its use. <br /> Ray Capiaux, 27880 Via Ventana, who was also representing two other neighbors (Corbus and <br /> Adams) voicing support. He stated that the easement road was used by people in the area as their <br /> primary access until 1962 when Via Ventana was built. The Shideler's driveway is paved with <br /> pavers which fits in well and are attractive. He addressed the safety issues and drainage <br /> problems which are not only the Shidelers as the water comes from above. He supported the <br /> completion of the lower easement road with the same appealing character of the existing <br /> driveway. <br /> Paul Adams, 12608 Via Ventana, agreed with the previous comments. He noted, from a safety <br /> perspective, there is a great benefit to having it paved for emergency access. <br /> Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, had a similar problem on Central Drive when it was <br /> paved to a property about 3/4 of a mile from Page Mill Road. Her understanding was that it is <br /> legal because it provides access to a property. <br /> Robin Knutson, 27999 Via Ventana, believed that the Shidelers would not drive through the <br /> median, however, she was concerned with future property owners. "Easement", "driveway". and <br /> "road" seem to be used interchangeably and she would like to make sure that it remains an <br /> ingress/egress easement, not a road or driveway. <br /> Kathleen Kells, 27990 Via Ventana, stated two-thirds of the proposed driveway was on her <br /> property. They had sent a letter of concern in August, 1998. She thought this issue was resolved <br /> several years ago. She felt the applicants did not need a second driveway, most of which is on _ <br /> her property. She would prefer that it not be paved. Also, part of the road degradation is due to <br /> construction vehicles using the easement. She preferred pavers to cement or asphalt, if it is <br /> paved. There is also a privacy issue (back yard) as the driveway is above their property <br /> Pavel Curtis, 27990 Via Ventana, felt the right to pave the easement was more relevant when it is <br /> the only access to the property, which in this case it is not. He also felt that the driveway is not <br /> required to address the drainage issue. - - <br /> Mary Compton, 27855 Via Ventana, stated that the easement was the original access to <br /> properties before Via Ventana was built. She mentioned the drainage problem on the driveway <br /> off the upper easement road. She would like to see the driveway paved as it would help the mud <br /> flow onto the lower Via Ventana. As long as there is a dirt and/or gravel road there, the mud and <br /> gravel will run off onto the intersection of Via Ventana and Page Mill Road. She stated that <br /> Pearl Abbott was also in support of paving the lower easement. <br /> Rhonda Abrams, 27500 La Vida Real, voiced support of the project. She felt the applicants have <br /> worked with the neighborhood and that they have support of most of them. <br />
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