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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> October 28, 1998 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Jerrell Thomas, 27993 Via Ventana, also speaking for his wife, voiced support of the driveway <br /> commenting that the Shidelers have been excellent neighbors. <br /> Martin Knutson, 27999 Via Ventana, had never seen the easement in the condition shown in the <br /> photos until construction of the two homes (Shideler and Yen) took place. He found it appalling <br /> that the road may be paved which is mainly on the Kells, Curtis, and Gilbert (one lot) property, <br /> when it is not needed. <br /> Viole McMahon, 27975 Via Ventana, felt the road was not needed (this is a special privilege) nor <br /> is the driveway needed to improve drainage. The access to the site was discussed extensively <br /> when the new residence was discussed. This road which the applicants do not need is not on <br /> their property. She further discussed the trees in the median on Via Ventana which obtain their <br /> water from run-off, and the entry into Via Ventana which is rural and attractive. She does not <br /> support the improvements in this area. - <br /> Mary Ann McCready, 12105 Oak Park Court, commented that the law states when there is an <br /> easement, there is a right to use it. The applicants should be allowed to pave the driveway. <br /> Jay Shideler, 27994 Via Ventana Way, applicant, stated that he has worked extensively with' <br /> Barrie Coate, arborist, noting pavers will not adversely impact the oak trees. When it rains, the <br /> road is too muddy and with the steep slope, it cannot be used. He believes that they have the <br /> right to use the easement. Easement rights go with the easement and it does not matter whose <br /> property the easement is on. The gate has been there since 1950 and a gate will remain to control <br /> access. They do not desire a gate, but it is the only way to control access and it is being required. <br /> The gate will be an attractive, unobtrusive gate. He is not trying to change the ambiance there, <br /> just trying to use the road. <br /> Kathleen Kells, stated she has never tried to deny the right of use of the easement. She felt that <br /> paving it was not necessary to provide access to the Shideler house and she would prefer it not be <br /> paved. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> The Planning Director clarified he had discussed this with the City Attorney who stated that the <br /> Town can require a site development permit since paving is adding impervious surface. <br /> Commissioner Gottlieb discussed the original 1996 application review where there was extensive <br /> discussion regarding the access from the lower Via Ventana with a 7-0 vote denying the request. <br /> She questioned the turning radius which was answered by the City Engineer who stated the <br /> driveway access road is at approximately a 90° angle, which is the same as the driveway going <br /> the other direction. Commissioner Gottlieb asked if they have an interpretation from the City <br /> Attorney on the right to have access from both the upper and lower easement. The Planning <br /> Director stated that the Town has the right to approve or deny the request to pave the driveway. <br />