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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> November 10, 1998 <br /> Page 2 <br /> the size of the pond, the pond not keeping with the residential nature of the neighborhood, the <br /> potential the pond would bring (attract many ducks, the mosquito fish not controlling <br /> mosquitoes, the noise from frogs), and drainage issues. He further questioned the conditions of <br /> approval, 1 through 13, and the site development permit date. He started this project 18 months <br /> ago. Originally there was a large house, pool, tennis court, barn and caretaker cottage on the site. <br /> He does not plan to build a house on the lot for at least four years, and he felt the pond would be <br /> more attractive than the existing weeds and will better support local wildlife. Further discussion <br /> ensued regarding the safety of the pond. <br /> Daniel Lima, 2120 Church Avenue, San Martin, project landscaping representative, addressed <br /> the safety of the pond liner, the location of the pond (lower area), and the planned natural <br /> landscaping. <br /> Sandy Humphries, Environmental Design Committee, encourages a plan which promotes native <br /> plants between properties. The pond will be very helpful in attracting and providing areas for <br /> native species. This will create a healthy corridor. <br /> Bob Hall, 12140 Foothill Lane, voiced health concerns regarding water fowl, drainage, <br /> mosquitoes, earthquake and spill-over, and the movement of wildlife. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Commissioner Jinkerson shared his personal experience with ponds. He did not know why <br /> neighbors would be concerned as the pond would maintain the rural environment, much more <br /> than a new structure. Commissioner Gottlieb asked if the drainage concerns would be greater <br /> than with a new residence. Sheryl Proft responded there would be no more concern than with a <br /> tennis court. It was noted that the maintenance agreement would run with the land. <br /> Commissioner Schreiner agreed with previous comments. Any development would increase <br /> drainage, and the maintenance agreement has specific language in case of complaints. She was <br /> concerned with the 750 cubic yards to be spread on the site. Ms. Proft stated that there was <br /> enough room on the site to spread the fill so not to be detrimental. It would eliminate the need to- <br /> haul the fill off-site, if spread properly. The Planning Director recommended additional wording <br /> to condition #8 regarding fill to prevent any negative drainage impacts on the neighboring <br /> properties, and any excess fill material that is not approved with the grading plan to be exported <br /> from the site. Also, add to condition #3 that the Planning Director shall have the discretion to <br /> require review of the pond maintenance and may take emergency action, if necessary, to insure <br /> that the pond is properly maintained. <br />