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Name Page count Template name Description
26-20[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement Between the Town and Alexander Atkins Design, Inc.
27-20[Icon] 1 Resolutions Requesting that the Santa Clara County Tax Collector Collect Delinquent Sewer Charges, the 2020-21 Sewer Service Charges, and Contractual Assessment District Chargers for Both the Palo Alto and Los Altos Sewer Basins
28-20[Icon] 3 Resolutions Adopting the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Appropriation Limit and The Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget and Gann Limit
29-20[Icon] 5 Resolutions Initiating Island Annexation Proceedings of an Unincorporated Urban Island in Santa Clara County Known as the Ravensbury Avenue Island Located at the End of Ravensbury Avenue in Los Altos Hills
30-20[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing the Execution of Amendment No. 11 to the Employment Agreement with Carl Cahill for City Manager Services
31-20[Icon] 9 Resolutions Approving the Unclaimed and Uncashed Check Policy and Procedures
32-20[Icon] 9 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Marsha Hovey, LLC
33-20[Icon] 1 Resolutions Awarding a contract for construction of the 2020 Pavement Rehabilitation and Drainage Improvement Project
34-20[Icon] 1 Resolutions Awarding a contract for construction of the 2020 Sanitary Sewer Repair and Replacement Project
35-20[Icon] 1 Resolutions Awarding a contract for professional engineering services for the inspection of the 2020 Sanitary Sewer Repair and Replacement Project
36-20[Icon] 1 Resolutions Authorizing staff to advertise for Landscaping Services for Town-Owned Facilities
37-20[Icon] 1 Resolutions Authorizing staff to advertise the request for proposals for professional consultant services to provide an engineering analysis of the Adobe Creek Sewer System
38-20[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approving a Sanitary Sewer Reimbursement Agreement between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Karla Jurvetson
39-20[Icon] 11 Resolutions Approving Agreement for Open Space Easement (Lands of Reddy)
40-20[Icon] 3 Resolutions Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Standing Purchase Orders for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 in an amount not to exceed $5,567,543
41-20[Icon] 1 Resolutions Authorizing Staff to Advertise the Request for Professional Consultant Services to Provide an Engineering Services for the Underground Utility District in the Area Around the El Monte Fire Station
42-20[Icon] 2 Resolutions Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Lynx Technologies, Inc. for Maintenance and Development of the Town's Geographic Information System (GIS) Map
43-20[Icon] 2 Resolutions Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Contracts wtih Live Oak Associates to Prepare a Biological Study and with David J. Powers & Associates to Prepare an Environmental Initial Study for the La Paloma-Robleda Off-Road Path Alignment
44-20[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approving First Amendment to the Franchise Agreement Between the Town and Greenwaste Recovery, Inc. for Collection and Processing of Mixed Compostable Materials, Recyclable Materials and Yard Trimmings
45-20[Icon] 2 Resolutions Making Determinations and Approving the Annexation of Territory Designated as "Ravensbury Avenue Island" Consisting of Eight Parcels (24.3 Acres) Located at the End of Ravensbury Avenue in Los Altos Hills
46-20[Icon] 8 Resolutions Accepting Dedication of Right-of-Way Easement Lands of Zamani; 12516 Robleda Road
47-20[Icon] 1 Resolutions Authorizing Staff to Advertise the rEquest for Proposal for Survey Services for the Summerhill Pathway Phase II Project
48-20[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approve the Plans for hte Town Hall Addition Project - Phase 1 and Authorize Staff to Advertise the Project for Bids
49-20[Icon] 5 Resolutions Approve a Certificate of Correction to Amend Tract Map No. 1288 and Abandon the 100-Foot, 75-Foot, and 50-Foot Building Setback Line Easements for Light and Air on Lots 1-9 of the Tract Map 1288
50-20[Icon] 2 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Waze Sublicensing Agreement Between VTA and the Town
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67 Entries
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