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PC 01-24[Icon] 10 Resolutions Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Title 10 (Zoning and Site Development) of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code to Amend Regulations Relating to Accessory Dwelling Units; Grading Moratorium Exceptions; Los Barrier Navigation Centers; and Emergency Shelters, in Accordance with State Housing Laws and Los Altos Hills 2023-2031 Housing Element
PC 02-24[Icon] 5 Resolutions Making a Categorical Exemption Determination Under CEQA and Granting an Appeal of the Site Development Committee's Decision to Approve a Site Development Permit for Landscape Screening at 23600 Ravensbury Avenue and Imposing Certain Conditions of Approval
PC 03-24[Icon] 11 Resolutions Categorical Exemption Deetermination Under CEQA and Approving a Site Development Permit for a New Single-Family Residence, Pool, and Associated Improvements; Approving a Variance to Exceed the Maximum Development Area for the Retention of an existing 8,804 square-foot Pond at 25567 Willow Pond Lane and Imposing Certain Conditions of Approval
PC 04-24[Icon] 8 Resolutions Making a Categorical Exemption Determination Under CEQA and Approving a Site Development Permit and Grading Policy Exception for a New Single-Family Residence and Imposing Certain Conditions of Approval
PC 05-24[Icon] 3 Resolutions Recommending to the City Council Adoption of an Ordinance of the Town of Los Altos Hills Amending Title 10 (Zoning and Site Development) of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code to Amend Regulations Relating to Application Processing and Standing Committee Review Procedures in Accordance with Program B-15 of the Los Altos Hills 2023-2031 Housing Element
PC 06-24[Icon] 7 Resolutions Making a Categorical Exemption Determination Under CEQA and Approving a Site Development Permit for a New Single-Family Residence and Associated Improvements at 12871 Atherton Court and Imposing Certain Conditions of Approval
PC 07-24[Icon] 8 Resolutions Making a Categorical Exemption Determination Under CEQA and Approving a Site Development Permit for a New Single-Family Residence and Associated Improvements at 27600 Altamont Road (Lot A) and Imposing Certain Conditions of Approval
PC 08-24[Icon] 8 Resolutions Making a Categorical Exemption Determination Under CEQA and Approving a Site Development Permit for a New Single-Family Residence and Associated Improvements at 27600 Altamont Road (Lot B) and Imposing Certain Conditions of Approval
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