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Name Page count Template name Description
51-99[Icon] 6 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of a Grant of Easement to Pacific Bell and a Letter of Agreement between the City and Pacific Bell
52-99[Icon] 16 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of Easement Agreement between the Purissima Hills Water District and the Town of Los Altos Hills
53-99[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of City Manager Employment Agreement
54-99[Icon] 7 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of the Agreement for Conservation Easement Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Winston and Elaine Lambert
55-99[Icon] 1 Resolutions Authorizing Wilsey Ham to Provide Engineering Consulting Services for the Design of Improvements to the Town Corportation Yard and for the Natoma Road Landslide Repair CIP 98-99
56-99[Icon] 1 Resolutions Adopting the Capital Improvement Budget for Capital Year 1999-00
57-99[Icon] 7 Resolutions Accepting Dedication of Right of Way on Lands of Huang
58-99[Icon] 7 Resolutions Acknowledging but Rejecting Irrevocable Offer of Dedication of Right of Way of Lands of Huang
59-99[Icon] 9 Resolutions Accepting Agreement for Conservation Easement on Lands of Huang
60-99[Icon] 6 Resolutions Accepting Grant of Pathway Easement on Lands of Huang
61-99[Icon] 10 Resolutions Acknowledging But Rejecting Irrevocable Offer of Dedication of Right of Way and Utility Easement
62-99[Icon] 5 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of Dedication of Right of Way
63-99[Icon] 8 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Exection of the Agreement for Conservation Easement on the Lands of Garrett
64-99[Icon] 5 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of Dedication of Right of Way
65-99[Icon] 8 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of the Agreement for Conservation Easement Between LAH and David Patmore and Julia Zarcone
66-99[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and San Jose Conservation Corps
67-99[Icon] 5 Resolutions Accepting Grant of Pathway Easememt on Lands of Logan
68-99[Icon] 2 Resolutions Ordering and Calling a Special Municipal Election to be Consolidated with the General Election on March 7, 2000 for the Purpose of Electing a City Councilmember, and Ordering the Election Consolidated with the Regularly Established Election to be Held on the Same Date
69-99[Icon] 1 Resolutions Appointing Bill Siegel to Fill a Vacant City Council Seat
70-99[Icon] 8 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement for Conservation Easement Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Bert E. Loughmiller and Kaye S. Loughmiller, Trustees of the Loughmiller Living Trust Dated December 20, 1994
71-99[Icon] 5 Resolutions Accepting Grant of Pathway Easement on Lands of Bing Yeh and Deborah Yeon-May Yeh, Trustes of the Yeh Family Trust U/D/T Dated August 14, 1995
72-99[Icon] 7 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement for Conservation Easement Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Chase & Arnold Inc., A California Corporation
73-99[Icon] 8 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement for Conservation Easement Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Lands of Dykes
74-99[Icon] 7 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement for Conservation Easement Between the Town of Los Los Altos Hills and Albert Golukhov
75-99[Icon] 8 Resolutions Acknowledging But Rejecting Irrevocable Offer of Dedication of Right of Way and Utility Easement
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76 Entries
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