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Name Page count Template name Description
20-88[Icon] 1 Resolutions Overruling Protest - Sewer Assessment District No. 11
21-88[Icon] 1 Resolutions Amending Resolution of Intention No. 131-87 - Sewer Assessment District No. 11
22-88[Icon] 4 Resolutions Approving Report and Assessment and Ordering Improvement - Sewer Assessment District No. 11
23-88[Icon] 1 Resolutions Accepting as Completed the Work of Construction of the Lupine Road Storm Drain and Slurry Seal Authorizing Final Payment Concerning Such Work, and Directing the City Clerk to File Notice of Completion
24-88[Icon] 2 Resolutions Amending the Salary Step Schedule for Town Employees
25-88[Icon] 9 Resolutions Adopting Written Regulations Regarding the Receipt and Handling of Criminal Offender Record Information
26-88[Icon] 2 Resolutions Authorizing Access to State and Local Summary Criminal History Information
27-88[Icon] 1 Resolutions Accepting a Certain Easement Deed for Page Mill Road and a Pathway Trail (Lands of Markoff)
28-88[Icon] 1 Resolutions Accepting a Certain Easement Deed
29-88[Icon] 1 Resolutions Accepting a Cetain Quitclaim Deed - Public Street Easement
30-88[Icon] 2 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of Subdivision Agreement for Lands of Tykeson/Huang
31-88[Icon] 2 Resolutions Authorizing Metropolitan Transportation Commission as a Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies for Cities and Counties
32-88[Icon] 2 Resolutions Declaring that the Boundaries Encompassing the Town of Los Altos Hills Shall be Included Within the Santa Clara County Vector Control District
33-88[Icon] 4 Resolutions Declaring Canvass of Returns and Result of General Municipal Election Held on April 12, 1988
34-88[Icon] 2 Resolutions Calling for Construction Bid - Sewer Assessment Dstrict No. 11
35-88[Icon] 2 Resolutions Authorizing and Designating Officers of the Town of Los Altos Hills to Sign and Endorse Checks, Warrants and Other Instruments
36-88[Icon] 4 Resolutions Amending the Town Budget for the Fiscal Year 1987-88
37-88[Icon] 3 Resolutions Ordering the Performance of Certain Work - Construction of Miscellaneous Storms Drains
38-88[Icon] 1 Resolutions Amendment to Fifth Addendum to Agreement Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Traffic Signal Maintenance, Inc.
39-88[Icon] 2 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of Addendum to Subdivision Agreement Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Jack F. Kava and Mary P. Kava
41-88[Icon] 2 Resolutions Setting the Time and Place of Hearing Concerning Adoption of a Proposed Negative Declaration in Connection with the Bullis School Pedestrian Path Project
42-88[Icon] 2 Resolutions Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Enter into an Agreement to provide Local Law Enforcement Agency Access to the California Indentification System and to Appropriate and Send the Town of Los Altos Hill's Financial Contribution for the System to the City of San Jose Finance Department
43-88[Icon] 7 Resolutions Accepting a Certain Path and Trail Easement Deed
44-88[Icon] 3 Resolutions Approving and Adopting a Revised Classification Plan for Employees of the Town of Los Altos Hills
45-88[Icon] 2 Resolutions Approving Final Parcel Map and Approving and Authorizing Execution of Subdivision Agreement for Lands of Tykeson and Repealing Resolution No. 30-88
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