46-88[Icon] |
2 |
Resolutions |
Authorizing and Designating Officers of the Town of Los Altos Hills to Sign and Endorse Checks, Warrants and Other Instruments |
47-88[Icon] |
2 |
Resolutions |
Approving the Bullis School Pedestrian Path Project, and Authorizing Execution and Submission of a Claim for Funds Therefor Under the Transportation Development Act |
48-88[Icon] |
1 |
Resolutions |
Setting the Time and Place of the Meeting to Consider Two Proposed Amendments to the Solid Waste Management Plan for Santa Clara County to Add Threreto a Policy to Review Requests to Dispose of Waste General Outside Santa Clara County and to Designate the Recyclery as a Facillity for Municipal Solid Waste |
49-88[Icon] |
4 |
Resolutions |
Declaring the Interntion of Said Town to Vacate and Abandon a Portion of a Certain Street Under the Provisions of the "Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law", Section 8300, et. seq., of the Streets and Highways Code of California |
50-88[Icon] |
4 |
Resolutions |
Approving Tentative Parcel Map of Lands of Oshima |
51-88[Icon] |
3 |
Resolutions |
Approving Two Amendments to the Solid Waste Management Plan for Santa Clara County to Add Thereto a Policy to Review Requests to Dispose of Waste Generated Outside Santa Clara County and to Designate the Recyclery as a Facilty for Municipal Solid Waste |
52-88[Icon] |
1 |
Resolutions |
Disposing of Redemption Fund Surplus - Special Assessment District No. 3, 4, and 5 |
53-88[Icon] |
1 |
Resolutions |
Setting the Time and Place of a Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of a Proposed Town Budget for Fiscal Year 1988-89 |
54-88[Icon] |
2 |
Resolutions |
Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Andrew H. Cochran, Trustee of the Martha S. Cochran Revocable Trust Established October 22, 1980, Concerning Reimbursement of a Portion of the Cost of Sewer and Storm Drain Installation Costs |
55-88[Icon] |
2 |
Resolutions |
Setting the Time and Place of the Meeting to Consider a Proposed Amendment to the Solid Waste Management Plan for Santa Clara County to Rename the Southwest Region, Providing Continued Access to Guadalupe Mines Landfill, and Providing for Annual Reporting Regarding Waste Reduction to Achieve 25% Goal by 1995 |
56-88[Icon] |
2 |
Resolutions |
Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Encroachment Permit Agreement Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Ralph Mele, Aline Mele, Gerard and Lambert, Inc., Robert W. Duncan, Sharon L. Seversen, Bala Maina, Tasneem Manian, Chris L. Carneghi, and Lauryn Carneghi |
57-88[Icon] |
2 |
Resolutions |
Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Encroachment Permit Agreement Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Thomas Raffic and Michele Raffin |
58-88[Icon] |
1 |
Resolutions |
Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Encroachment Permit Agreement Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Luis M. Yanez and Gina Yanez |
59-88[Icon] |
1 |
Resolutions |
Further Amending Resolution No. 1256, as Amended by Resolution Nos. 88-86 and 29-87, Adopting a Policy Concerning Landscaping and Setting of Bonds Thereof, to Modify Certain Requirements During the Current Drought Condition |
60-88[Icon] |
1 |
Resolutions |
Awarding a Contract for the Construction of Miscellaneous Storm Drains |
61-88[Icon] |
1 |
Resolutions |
Declaring the Need of Conservation of Water |
62-88[Icon] |
2 |
Resolutions |
Approving an Amendment to the Solid Waste Management Plan for Santa Clara County Combining the North and Central Subregions, Renaming the Sourthwest Region, Providing Continued Access to Guadalupe Mines Landfill, and Providing for Annual Reporting Regarding Waste Reduction to Achieve 25% Goal By 1995 |
63-88[Icon] |
27 |
Resolutions |
Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year 1988-89 |
64-88[Icon] |
2 |
Resolutions |
Setting the Time and Place of a Public Hearing to Consider All Objections or Protests to the Proposed Adoption of the Palo Alto Sewer Service Charge Final Report |
65-88[Icon] |
4 |
Resolutions |
Ordering the Performance of Certain Work - Pavement Management Road Improvements |
66-88[Icon] |
2 |
Resolutions |
Setting the Time and Place of Hearing on Proposed Changes and Amendments to the Text of Chapter 1 of Title 10 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code Entitled "Zoning Law of the Town of Los Altos Hills" and Concerning Adoption of a Proposed Negative Declaration |
67-88[Icon] |
2 |
Resolutions |
Setting the Time and Place of the Meeting to Consider Adoption of a Proposed Appropriations Limit for the Fiscal Year 1988-89 |
68-88[Icon] |
2 |
Resolutions |
Setting the Time and Place of Public Hearing to Consider the Prposed Annexation to the Town of Los Altos Hills af Contiguous Inhabited Territory Commonly Known as San Antonio Hills (West) Magdalena 88-1 |
69-88[Icon] |
1 |
Resolutions |
Approving and Authorizing Execution of Fifth Addendum to Agreement Between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Richard G. Landi, and Individual Doing Business as Collection System Maintenance Services |
70-88[Icon] |
4 |
Resolutions |
Ordering the Vacation and Abandonment of a Portion of a Certain Street Under the Provisions of the "Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law" Section 8300, et seq., of the Street and Highways Code of California |