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Name Page count Template name Description
1323[Icon] 1 Resolutions Commending Richard D. Hayden Upon His Retirement From the California Assembly
1324[Icon] 1 Resolutions Commending Geraldine F. Steinberg Upon Her Retirement from the Board of Supervisors
1325[Icon] 3 Resolutions Approving the Priority Plan for Expenditure of Allocation of Funds to the County of Santa Clara for Park, Beach, Recreational and Historical Preservation Purposes Pursuant to the California Parklands Act of 1980
1326[Icon] 1 Resolutions Changing the Name of Linda Lane
1327[Icon] 1 Resolutions Changing the Name of Koch Lane
1328[Icon] 2 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of Agreement Between the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills and the County of Santa Clara to Increase the Appropriation Limit of the City
1329[Icon] 1 Resolutions Accepting Certain Improvements in Connection with Tract No. 6325 - Lands of Crist
1330[Icon] 1 Resolutions Declaring its Intention to Consider an Amendment to the General Plan Consisting of the Adoption of a Path and Trail Element and Setting the Time and Place of Hearing Thereon
1331[Icon] 2 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement Between the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills and Malcolm M. Clark and Authorizing Recordation Thereof
1332[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of Agreement for Subdivision Engineering Services Between the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills and Nowack & Associates
1333[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement Between the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills and Bas Homes of Los Altos Hills
1334[Icon] 2 Resolutions Accepting Certain Improvements in Connection with Tract No. 6297, Saddle Mountain Estates
1335[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approving Final Subdivision Map and Approving and Authorizing Execution of Subdivision Agreement
1336[Icon] 2 Resolutions Accepting Certain Street Dedications on Behalf of the Public - Conception, Westwind Way and La Paloma
1337[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of Agreement for Geotechnical Engineering Services Bewteen the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills and Terrasearch, Inc.
1338[Icon] 3 Resolutions Setting the Time and Place of Hearing on Prposed Changes and Amendments to the General Plan for the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills
1339[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approving and Adopting a Path and Trail Element and Amending the General Plan for Said City
1340[Icon] 3 Resolutions Amending the Schedule of Rates for Gabage Collection and Disposal Services
1341[Icon] 4 Resolutions Approving the Annexation of Certain Uninhabited Territory Designated as LAH 81-1 Annexation to the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills
1342[Icon] 1 Resolutions Accepting Certain Improvements in Connecting with Lands of Berry Hills, Tract No. 6530
1343[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approving Final Subdivision Map and Approving and Authorizing Execution of Subdivision Agreement
1344[Icon] 1 Resolutions Accepting Certain Encroachment Permit and Ordering Recordation Thereof
1345[Icon] 3 Resolutions Approving and Adopting Amendments to the General Plan for Said City
1346[Icon] 2 Resolutions Setting the Time and Place of Hearing on the Proposed Cancellation of Contract Under the Williamson Act
1347[Icon] 1 Resolutions Accepting Certain Easements, Lands of Merideth, Site Approval No. 2-80
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