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Name Page count Template name Description
1373[Icon] 2 Resolutions Authorizing Execution and Delivery of Easement Deed to Pacific Gas & Electric Company, and teh Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company
1374[Icon] 1 Resolutions Setting the Time and Place of Hearing on the Report of Sewer Service Charges Proposed to be Collected on the 1981-82 Tax Roll
1375[Icon] 3 Resolutions Approving Final Subdivision Map of Tract No. 7187, Entitled "Matadero Creek Subdivision", and Approving Subdivision Improvement Plan Therefor
1376[Icon] 3 Resolutions Ordering the Performance of Certain Work - Matadero Creek Subdivision Improvments"
1377[Icon] 2 Resolutions Setting the Time and Place of Public Hearing on the Proposed Adoption of Certain Uniform Building,Housing , Electical and Plumbing Codes by Reference with Certain Amendments Proposed Thereto
1378[Icon] 3 Resolutions Urging the California Public Employees' Retirement System to Increase its Rate of Return on Investments
1379[Icon] 30 Resolutions Requesting the Tax Collector of the County of Santa Clara to Levy Certain Charges Against Real Properties
1380[Icon] 1 Resolutions Adopting the Los Altos Sewer Service Charge Final Report and Authorizing Transmittal to the Santa Clara County Assessor's Office
1381[Icon] 1 Resolutions Adopting the Palo Alto Sewer Service Charge Final Report and Authorizing Transmittal to the Santa Clara County Assessor's Office
1382[Icon] 2 Resolutions Awarding a Contract for Construction of the Matadero Creek Subdivision Improvements
1383[Icon] 2 Resolutions Commending Robert C. Stephens Upon His Retirement as the City Manager of the City of Campbell
1384[Icon] 2 Resolutions Further Amending the Schedule of Rates of Garbage Collection and Disposal Services
1385[Icon] 2 Resolutions Opposing the Parole of William Archie Fain
1386[Icon] 2 Resolutions Approving "Declaration Imposing Conditions, Covenants, Restrictions, Easements and Agreements Upon Tact No. 7187, Entitled "Matadero Creek Subdivision" and Authorizing Execution Thereof, and the Recordation Thereof
1387[Icon] 2 Resolutions Urging the State Board of Prision Terms to Rescind the Early Release Date for Sirhan Sirhan, the Convicted Murderer of Robert F. Kennedy
1388[Icon] 1 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement Between the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills and Gordon Penfold
1389[Icon] 2 Resolutions Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Agreement Between the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills and Alan G. Lambert
1390[Icon] 2 Resolutions Approving Final Parcel Map of the Lands of Low and Approving and Authorizing Execution of Subdivision Agreement
1391[Icon] 1 Resolutions Adopting the Budget for the Town of Los Altos Hills for the Fiscal Year 1981-82
1392[Icon] 1 Resolutions Accepting a Certain Easement Deed - Lands of Tossy
1393[Icon] 1 Resolutions Accepting Certain Improvements in Connection with Parcel Map, Lands of Abrahams
1394[Icon] 1 Resolutions Accepting Certain Improvements in Connection with Tract No. 6604
1395[Icon] 1 Resolutions Accepting Certain Improvements in Connection with Tract No. 5874
1396[Icon] 1 Resolutions Accepting Certain Improvements in Connection with Parcel Map No. 367 M 41 & 42
1397[Icon] 2 Resolutions Accepting on Behalf of the Public Certain Streets and Easement Offered for Dedication
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