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W c�- <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS February 2, 2006 <br />Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />RE: PREZONING OF UNINCORPORATED SAN ANTONIO HILLS AREA: 82 <br />PARCELS (19.99 ACRES) EAST OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AND <br />SOUTH OF THE CITY OF LOS ALTOS, GENERALLY BETWEEN <br />MAGDALENA AVENUE AND EASTBROOK AVENUE INLCUDING <br />SPALDING AVENUE, PAR AVENUE, WINDING WAY, PUTTER AVENUE, <br />AND PUTTER WAY; #234-05-ZP. (Continued from December S, 2005) <br />FROM: Debbie Pedro, AICP, Senior Planner -,R <br />APPROVED BY: Carl Cahill, Planning Director ('(„ <br />RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission: <br />Forward the application to the City Council with a recommendation to approve the <br />proposed prezoning of the Eastbrook -Magdalena area and adopt the Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration. (Attachment 2) <br />At the meeting on December 8, 2005, the Planning Commission directed staff to provide <br />additional information regarding the State housing element law and the proposed project. <br />Housing Element Law <br />Pursuant to Government Code Section 65300, each goveming body of a local government <br />in California is required to adopt a comprehensive, long-term general plan for the <br />physical development of the city or county. The housing element is one of the seven <br />mandated elements of the local general plan. The housing element law, enacted in 1969, <br />mandates that local governments adequately plan to meet the existing and projected <br />housing needs of all economic segments of the community. Under current law, the <br />California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is required to <br />review housing elements and make written findings regarding their compliance with State <br />housing element law. An overview of the State housing element law is included for the <br />Commission's review. (Attachment 1) <br />Los Altos Hills 2002 Housing Element Update <br />During the Town's housing element update process in early 2003, the City Council <br />appointed a Housing Element Subcommittee to come up with policies and programs that <br />might be included in the housing element in order to achieve State certification. One of <br />the programs recommended by the Committee (Policy H, Program 8) is to prezone 82 <br />parcels within the Eastbrook -Magdalena neighborhood. Prezoning is the procedural first <br />step necessary to ultimately annex a particular territory. However, the act of prezoning <br />does not compel the Town to initiate annexation proceedings. If the project area is <br />