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RESOLUTION 62-19 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS ADOPTING THE PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT <br />IMPACT FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MITIGATION FEE ACT <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills established a pathway fee in 1996 and created a Pathway <br />Fund for collected fees; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town contracted with Matrix Consulting Group for preparation of a Pathway <br />Fee Nexus Study to analyze and update the fee methodology ("Fee Study"); and <br />WHEREAS, the Fee Study determined the pathway fee ("Pathway Fee") should be assessed on <br />all development projects that result in the potential for new residents (as measured by equivalent <br />dwelling units (EDU)) because new residents will utilize the pathways, causing the Town to <br />construct new pathways to serve those new residents; and <br />WHEREAS, the EDU calculation in the Fee Study is based on 2.85 residents per dwelling unit, <br />such that 1.0 EDU equals 2.85 people. Therefore, development projects that have lower <br />residential occupancy impacts have an EDU value lower than 1.0 EDU. Projects such as new <br />accessory dwelling units and residential additions / remodels with habitable space of 250 square <br />feet or more are assumed to have an impact of 1.0 resident per space, which results in an EDU <br />value of 0.35; and <br />WHEREAS, as single-family residences are expected to generate at least 2.85 residents and <br />accessory dwelling units and residential additions are expected to generate fewer residents, <br />single family residences may be assessed the fully justified pathway fee, while accessory <br />dwelling units and residential additions may be assessed a proportionally lower pathway fee; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town's General Plan Pathways Element envisions that pathways will be used <br />for pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian purposes; and <br />WHEREAS, the Pathways Element Policy 4.3(d) states that "Development of a barn or stables <br />for equestrian use in excess of 900 square feet shall be required to comply with pathway <br />requirements, as the project would generate additional stable capacity and place an increased <br />burden on the equestrian use of pathways"; and <br />WHEREAS, the construction of an equestrian barn of 900 square feet or more is expected to <br />generate at least 1.0 new equestrian user of the pathways, which is expected to be equivalent to <br />the use of 1.0 new resident; thus, justifying assigning equestrian barns an EDU value of 0.35; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Town has elected to impose a Pathway Fee on new single-family residences, and <br />on new accessory dwelling units, additions or cumulative additions of 900 square feet or more and <br />on barns for equestrian purposes that are 900 square feet or larger; and <br />Resolution 62-19 Page 1 <br />