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rr J <br />ORDINANCE NO. 324 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS, CALIFORNIA, <br />GRANTING TO SUN COUNTRY CABLE, INC., A NON-EXCLUSIVE <br />FRANCHISE FOR THE INSTALLATION, CONSTRUCTION, <br />OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF ACABLE TELEVISION <br />SYSUN EWLOS ALTOS HILLS <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS DOES ORDAIN: <br />Section 1 Sh9x11itly, This Ordinance shall be known and may be <br />cited as the "LOS ALTOS HILLS CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE <br />ORDINANCE" with SUN COUNTRY CABLE, INC. <br />Section 2 Gr La_FMchiM This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to <br />the authority provided in, and all the provisions, terms, and conditions of <br />Ordinance No. 323 , titled "LOS ALTOS BILLS CABLE TELEVISION <br />FRANCHISE ORDINANCE," copies of which are on fhia in the office of the City <br />Clerk. The franchise herein granted shall include the provisions of said <br />Ordinance, all of which are incorporated herein by referenoe and made a <br />part hereof. The franchise requested from the TOWN by SUN COUNTRY <br />CABLE, INC., to install, construct, reconstruct, operate, and maintain a cable <br />communications system is hereby granted as herein provided. <br />Section SUN COUNTRY <br />CABLE, INC., hereinafter referred to as Grantee, is hereby granted a <br />non-exclusive franchise for a period of fifteen years from the date of <br />acceptance of this franchise on the terms and conditions hereinafter set <br />forth. <br />The franchise herein granted shall be subject to all of the terms and <br />conditions of this Ordinance and other documents comprising the franchise <br />as set forth in Section 2 herein above, together with all of the terms and <br />conditions contained in that certain document entitled <br />"AN AGREEMENT GRANTING A NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO <br />SUN COUNTRY CABLE, INC. TO OPERATE A CABLE TELEVISION <br />SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AND SETTING FORTH <br />CONDITIONS ACCOMPANYING THE GRANTING OF THE <br />FRANCHISE" <br />and including Exhibits "A" to "F" attached to the Agreement (herein called <br />the "Agreement") and a copy of which marked Exhibit "I" is attached <br />hereto and incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. <br />