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ORDINANCE NO. 149 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AMENDING <br />ORDINANCE NO. 98 OF SAID TOWN AS AMENDED, BY ADDING THERETO <br />PROVISIONS AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO SLOPE DENSITY AND TO <br />OPEN SPACE RESERVE ZONES <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION 1. Ordinance No. 78 of the Town of Los Altos Hills, adopted by the <br />City Council on the 4n day of December, 1961, is hereby amended as follows: <br />a. There is hereby inserted, at the end of Section 1:10, the word "Hills." <br />b. Subsection 1:20 is hereby repealed and there is hereby substituted in the <br />place and stead thereof, the following: <br />"7:20 Purpose. This zoning ordinance is adopted to protect and guide the _ <br />growth and expansion of the Town of Los Altos Hills in an orderly manner, consistent <br />with the General Plan and true to the rural residential character of the community; <br />to provide for space deemed necessary to advance the welfare of the public in assur- <br />ing adequate light, pure air, safety from conflagration and disaster; to promote the <br />smooth flow of traffic; fp provide adequate residential off-street parking facili- <br />ties; to protect the community against excessive storm water run-off, soil erosion, <br />earth movement, earthquake and other geologic hazards; to minimize silting of drains <br />and drainage.channels; to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of the community; <br />and to solve other conditions arising from concentration of the population." <br />c. Section III is hereby repealed and there is hereby substituted in the place <br />and stead thereof, the following: <br />"SECTION III. Establishment of Zoning Districts and Adoption of Zoning <br />Al2- • — <br />3:10 Establishment of Districts. <br />(A) The following classes of use districts are hereby established: <br />(1) R --A (Residential -Agricultural) <br />(2) OSR (Open Space Reserve) <br />(B) In every case where any land has not been specifically included <br />within a district, or if any district is determined to be invalid or inapplicable, <br />such land is hereby declared to be in an R -A district until otherwise classified. <br />3:20 Zoning Map. A map entitled "Zoning Map for the Town of Los Altos <br />Hills, California," is made a part of this ordinance and designated as Section <br />3:20(A). The districts established by Section 3:10 and the boundaries thereof are <br />shown upon the map. If changes are made in district boundaries or other matter <br />portrayed on the zoning map, such changes shall be made on the zoning map promptly <br />after the amendment has been approved by the City Council, together with an entry <br />