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ORDINANCE NO. 111 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS PROHIBITING THE POSSES- <br />SION, USE, OR OPERATION OF ANY CLAW MACHINE, PINBALL MACHINE OR <br />MARBLE MACHINE AS DEFINED THEREIN WITHIN THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS ?TILLS, <br />CALIFORNIA, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES. <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF IAS ALTOS HILLS DOES OR- <br />DAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION 1: USE, OPERATION AND POSSESSION <br />Every person who either as owner, lessee, agent, employee, <br />mortgagor, or otherwise, owns, keeps, possesses, controls, sells, <br />rents, leases, lends or gives away, transports or exposes for sale <br />or lease or offers to sell, rent, lease, lend or give away or who <br />permits the operation of or permits to be placed, maintained, used <br />or kept in any room, space, enclosure, or building owned, leased or <br />occupied by him or under his management or control, whether for use <br />or operation or for storage, bailment, safekeeping or deposit only, <br />any claw machine, pinball or marble machine or device as hereinafter <br />defined, is guilty of a misdemeanor. <br />SECTION 2: PINBALL M CHINE DESCRIBED <br />The pinball machine or marlLe machine, contrivance, appli- <br />ance or mechanical device, the use or operation or possession of <br />which machine is prohibited by Section 1 hereof, is usually, but <br />not exclusively, described as consisting of a table on legs, the <br />table being in the shape of a box with the upper side covered by <br />glass. Inside the box is a surface studded with pins, plugs, buffers, <br />springs and holes and when a ball is released by a plunger upon this <br />surface the ball wends its way from the top to the bottom and durimg <br />its journey may fall into one of the numerous holes, or in its course <br />along the surface of said table may hit many of the springs; pins; or <br />plugs, thereby and by means of electrical or other recordings, giving <br />to the player a score, or other indication of the result of play. <br />The description of the pinball machine or marble machine <br />or other contrivance, appliance, or mechanical device given in this <br />Section does not in any way limit the penal provisions of Section 1 <br />hereof, and is not to be construed as making legal any pinball mach- <br />ine or marble machine or other contrivance, appliance or mechanical <br />device which is prohibited by the general terms of Section 1 hereof, <br />but may not be specifically described in this Section 2. <br />SECTION 3: Confiscation of Machines and Monies Therein. <br />In addition to any other remedy provided by law any claw <br />machine, pinball or marble machine, appliance or mechanical device, <br />as defined in this ordinance, may be seized by any peace officer, <br />and a notice of intention summarily to destroy such machine or de- <br />vice must thereupon be posted in a conspicuous place upon the pre- <br />mises in or upon which such machine or device was seized. Such <br />machine or device shall be held by the officer for thirty (30) days <br />after such posting, and if no action is commenced to recover posses- <br />sion of such machine or device within the thirty (30) days, and no <br />notice of the commencement of such an action is served on the officer, <br />or his superior, the machine or device shall be summarily destroyed <br />by such officer, or if such machine or device is held by the court, <br />in any civil or criminal action, to be in violation of this ordinance <br />the same shall be summarily destroyed by such officer, immediately <br />after the decision of the court has become final. Any and all money <br />seized in or in connection with such machine or device, immediately <br />after such machine or device has been so destroyed, is to be paid <br />into the office of the Clerk of the Town of Los Altos Hills to the <br />credit of the General Fund. <br />