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s ,• err � , J v,�1 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 20 <br />AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE PLANTING, MAINTENANCE, AND REMOVAL OF <br />TREES AND SHRUBS GROWING NOW OR HEREAFTER IN THE STREETS, PARKS, <br />AND PUBLIC PLACES IN THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS, AND TO PREVENT AND <br />TO PROVIDE FOR THE CORRECTION OF CERTAIN HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS, AND <br />TO PROVIDE FOR DESTRUCTION OF WEEDS AND OBNOXIOUS PLANTS. <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS DOES ORDAIN AS <br />FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION 1. The Town of Los Altos Hills shall have control of <br />all street trees, shrubs, plants and flowers now or hereafter growing <br />In any street, park or public place within the City Limits and shall <br />have the authority to plant, care for, and maintain such trees, shrubs, <br />plants, and flowers. No person shall plant, trim, remove or inter- <br />fere with such street trees, shrubs, plants or flowers in any street, <br />park or public place without a permit therefor from the City Council <br />or such officer as they may delegate. <br />SECTION 2. Definitions <br />(a) "Person" as used herein shall mean individuals, firms, <br />associations and corporations, and agents, employees or representa- <br />tives thereof. <br />(b) "City" as used herein shall mean the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />acting by and through its authorized representatives. <br />(c) "Street" as used herein shall include all land lying between <br />the boundaries of property abutting on all public streets, boulevards, <br />alleys and walks. <br />(d) "Parks" as used herein shall include any park designated as <br />such by resolution of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />and in actual existence or to be created. <br />(e) "Public Places" as used herein shall include 8.11 grounds, <br />other than streets or parks, owned by or leased to and under the <br />control of the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />(f) "Street tree" as used herein shall include any woody <br />perennial plant having a single main axis or stem commonly achieving <br />ten (10) feet in height and capable of shaping and pruning to develop <br />a branch -free trunk at least nine (9) feet in height. <br />(g) "Shrub" as used herein shall include any woody perennial <br />plant, normally low, several -stemmed, adaptable to shaping, trim- <br />ming, and pruning without injury, within the area planted. <br />(h) "Hedge" as used herein shall include any plant material, <br />shrub or plant, Then planted in a dense, continuous line m area, <br />as to form a thicket or barrier. <br />(i) "Plant" as used herein shall include all other plant <br />material, non -woody, annual, or perennial in nature, not necessarily <br />hardy. <br />(j) "Street trees, shrubs, or plants" as used herein shall <br />include any tree, shrub, or plant in any street, park or public <br />place in the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />